@Makecake the replies are dismissive only because this is a prevailing issue in the current social environment that is being perpetually brought up as a critical social movement in all forms of media and socioeconomic constructs.
When truly LGBTQ+ content need not be included nor catered for and that is a fact for any form of creation. If there is no overwhelming call or need for something or if there exist an already inclusive (albeit vague category) there is no need to advocate for something sheerly because you find it inconvenient that it doesn't exist but you're too lazy to do more than say "Someone else, do something about this." Or "It isn't right that it isn't there, put it in."
It is aggressive because people are tired of this topical hot take that means nothing and should not necessarily permeate every form of media but the loudest advocates or rather entitled keyboard warriors feel the need to mention it whenever there is the slight opportunity to call "unfairness" or "lack of inclusion/ purposeful exclusion" as if the world will end if people are not made aware of social injustice.
I'm invested in this thread simply because while I support the LGBTQ+ community in my daily life and freely share my opinion regarding what is right about the movement, it annoys me when someone complains about an aspect which allows ammunition for those seeking to undermine any aspect of a movement.
You're only as strong as your weakest link and this is true especially for things such as social movements, because if current affairs have shown anything is that they will use whatever they can to undermine a cause even if it has nothing to do with the core values or ideology of the cause.
I get that LGBTQ+ is a nice to have when you are interested in reading about it but it is an entitled request which undermines a cause that in a lot of places are still struggling to be accepted as a norm. You're giving people excuses to undermine something before they understand it.
Of course I have gone completely off topic and I might seem salty and maybe I am. I'm just trying to inform you of the narrative from my perspective when looking at stuff like this. It's like how my parents pisses me off when they watch TV and judge people because of the sexual classification of their relationship.
By complaining about non-consequential and entitled things you create a prejudice. Look at the Karen's, Feminazis and all other forms of prejudice or classification which permeates our modern society.
You can disagree with me and even tell me I'm stupid for making this political but in many countries the LGBTQ+ movement is still in it's prenatal state and stuff like this fuels the naysayers. Anyhow I'm gonna stop now otherwise people might hate me and this is the internet so this will most likely be disregarded but if it gets 1 person thinking or simply formulating a argument then my job is done.