New affiliate, MangaPlus support, infrastructure upgrades and supporter features!

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Jan 19, 2018
@Plykiya I said "shady looking" and it could be even the most official site of all manga in the world, but still it seems shady, works shady and feels shady. Even before showing *any* manga site generates so much requests, so much traffic and payload it puts crypto currency miner scripts to shame. Things that are going under the hood of this website I would never dare to call less than "shady", maybe "shitty" but never "safest" as you do.
Jan 25, 2018
I am not sure what traffic you are seeing on Mangaplus. When I open it (Mainpage or reader) I don't see any traffic I would not expect for loading a handfull of images.
My CPU is also not too impressed by the site.
I also did not notice any "shady" scripts. (But I am an amateur in that regard so take this with a grain of salt.)
Feb 20, 2018
The idea behind the MangaPlus support is good but the implementation is not. Having to click extra links is bad and unnecessary.

Also, usagiaddict is right, their site is shady or just poorly made. It takes ages to load and is obviously doing all sorts of things in the background.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
Explanation: Part of the fallout form the groups leaving was people being annoyed at being told to "well just use another site" mostly n response to the chapters are not here

THE POINT is to keep the chapters n one spot making us go else where defeats the purpose of being here if we have to go elsewhere

I'm not saying you should be hosting official stuff f it's official buy the manga.
Nov 4, 2018
I would like to say that I am not a fan of current situation. Actually, this existence defeats the purpose of hosting chapters and being online manga reading site.

At this rate, it will become a simple site with no chapters to read but bunch of links which break a lot and no one will even use.

At least Anime News Network did not pretend to be what it is not.
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
In the near future you will be able to hide groups that you don't wish to appear.

And the dead links argument doesn't work, because we will be making dead links unavailable, so they wouldn't appear usually (unless you choose to enable them).

In addition, we have no plans to stop hosting other chapters, so I'm not sure where that idea came from.

Linking to free official chapters has been a highly requested feature, so at least some people want this. Judging by the comments here and elsewhere, it would appear there is an overwhelming majority who do support this. Those of you who don't like it - wait for the ability to hide groups.
Aggregator gang
Jul 5, 2018
Have you considered using an iframe to embed the MangaPlus reader in place of linking to it? That way people can use MangaPlus without having to leave this site.
As far as MangaPlus goes, there's no difference; an iframe is essentially just a browser window inside another browser window, so they're not losing out on anything they might benefit from visitors.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2018
In the near future you will be able to hide groups that you don't wish to appear.
Can't happen soon enough. Their website is garbage and their privacy policy is downright illegal according to GDPR. If I can ignorelist them then at least only proper chapter uploads will show up instead of this tracking-infested crapshow hosted at Shueisha.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@TheMather1 posted:

Have you considered using an iframe to embed the MangaPlus reader in place of linking to it? That way people can use MangaPlus without having to leave this site.
Yes, and we'd rather not do it. Not only would it look weird enough on its own, the chances of people thinking it's our actual content would rise significantly regardless of what is actually going on. This would create confused users asking us to troubleshoot what's technically a third party site, and M+ would get plenty of reasons and precedence to start breathing lawsuits down our necks if they wanted to.

If someone wants to write userscripts or whatever to do this unofficially, be my guest, although I apologize in advance for the state of the reader currently. On our part, doing anything besides linking to official sources is not worth the hassle and risk.
Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2018
Well,their reader is certainly annoying but it works well enough, and after I switched from the default strip to horizontal the issues with incorrectly ordered pages vanished aswell.
Basically click middle to show/hide bars, and click sides to switch pages.
They're official and yes it's trash like anything related to official translations from jap.
Yes their site drains your cpu like crazy, but atleast it only does so when you're on the site..
(unlike typical shady stuff that continue acting in the background even if you leave/close the page.)

Yes I'd pick fantranslations over official ones anyday since so far there's never been a decent official translation ever tbh.
(Official ones always took way too many liberties in altering what's said, how much, when and even if something's said.)

Still, linking to an official site that allows you to read for free is definitely a good thing.
And while that site might be using your cpu for something during your stay, it's not really that shady considering..
1: It stops as soon as you leave/close the page.
2: It's the official site letting you read for free.
And honestly considering the lousy work (pretty much normal for any official jap->eng works and related services) on the site it might just be some loops or endless tasks they accidentally created,
just try navigate it and see how many issues/faults you'll find within five minutes. =p

Personally liked that unlike various aggregators, that site didn't create any hidden tasks for me (nor blocked attempts, adblock stopped a few things, ads I guess), neither outside nor inside the browser,
and as such nothing remained that needs to be manually killed off by commands after you left/closed the page.
Got habits of constantly tracking all processes running on the comp, it's amazing how many sites including official ones that'll start up processes completely unrelated to what's shown and as such can kill off without any issues appearing on the site in question, they're usually hidden to some extent too or in some cases trying to mimic something else..
(PID can help determine what's fake in some mimic cases, especially if you kept track of PID's since before.)

If you use googlechrome and comp's getting too sluggish/using way too much ram, the browsers own taskmanager shows PID's that you can compare to the systems taskmanager, any chrome processes that aint shown in the browsers taskmanager can be safely killed off without consequences, and I've lost count on how often I've been doing such things on others computers because they had such draining most of their ram and some cases considerable amounts of cpu aswell,other cases just ram and gpu. (Now those things I'd call shady, especially those trying to look like system processes.) =P
Aggregator gang
Oct 28, 2018

These are great tips. I feel like my computer gets sluggish readily (though I do leave way to many tabs open).

I guess I am all for supporting the official release or whatever, but is there a way to make M+ when using a laptop? Maybe I am too stupid to figure it out, but I can't get to display thing in a way that is useful for me. Vertical obviously just sucks. When it switch it "horizontal" the images are tiny and freaking red bars take up all the space (sometimes overlapping the image). Maybe it is just because I am stupid or something, but I can't figure out how get it to display something that is comfortable for me to read.
Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2018

Second row of my previous post. =)
Basically click middle to show/hide bars, and click sides to switch pages.
That's how you manage those annoying bars and such,think of it as the screen being split in three huge invisible buttons.

Edit: Can be rather annoying until you get used to entire midsection being just toggling bars,not going back/forward through pages.
Oh, and that left is forward and right is backward, which may or may not be different from your usual habits/settings.

Second Edit: Maybe should make a series "Mangadex-sensei! Please teach me Mangaplus!" or something, their interface is far from intuitive after all. >.<
Mar 11, 2019
Just curious, is there a reason why y’all did not use AWS S3 for photo storage? It should make it easier to keep things stored without having to actually manage the storage and upgrade it. (EBS volumes could also help for just upgrading the storage/disk space without needing to upgrade the entire server.)
Aggregator gang
Oct 28, 2018

Thanks I must have missed it. I have way too many tabs open and I'm not paying attention. I still don't like the reader. It displays what looks like two pages at a time. I prefer Mangadex's reader. I find it just generally works better.

MangaPlus is probably better on a tablet or something (it has an app and stuff). I guess I am just too old-fashioned—using a regular laptop.
Active member
Jul 2, 2018
Tried it, and don't like Manga Plus's reader layer. On Vertical mode, my arrow, pup and pdn keys don't move at all. On horizontal mode; tried to zoom in to 150%, and result: ... Its very frustration to read Manga Plus's reader layer!
Jun 23, 2018
(Official ones always took way too many liberties in altering what's said, how much, when and even if something's said.)

fan translators take liberties too. the worst I've seen was the jaimanibox version of my hero academia I read part of. it was so riddled with memes and out of place slang I went out of my way to find the mangastream translations that were no longer on their site. they take "liberties" too ("naaaaaaaay") but nowhere near being memespeak. unless it's an intentionally silly translation like the ghost stories dub or that bogan english porno manga I just don't see why they should put in memes unless they were already there. granted that was many chapters ago. maybe they're okay now.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Thanks for showing the way to mangaplus, after all, a service like that is what some people have been asking FOR DECADES ... Of course, their quality could be a tiny bit better (specially if you read it from the PC) but hey, I'm getting my chapters asap and with official translation, it doesn't get better than that !
But of course we need MD to stay the way it has been so far because there's literally million of manga out there that without fans translation we wouldn't even know they exist.
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