Newly uploaded manga only appears on the updated tab and not anywhere else

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Group Leader
May 13, 2020
I'm not sure whether to post this on support or bugs section, but here it is. I'm "Some SoL Fan Translations" who just recently uploaded the first chapter of "The Suffering of Suiren Kannonji".

When i tried to scroll down the titles and search tab and set the 'last updated' filter to look for it, it doesn't appear, instead it only appeared on the 'updated' list or when i specifically search for it. Was it from my side because of the png file sizes being too big? The manga won't load on my 2gb phone but it's perfectly fine on my laptop and my other 3gb phone. Or is it because something else?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
If this was your first upload on your account (looks like it was), a manual review is required for the chapter. Before it's approved, it'll show up as an unavailable chapter.

Settings -> Site settings -> Unavailable chapters -> Show (For tracking purposes)

Now that it's approved, it'll show up regardless of your Unavailable chapters setting.
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