People are not known for long-term memories in the entertainment industries, and those that do are either the easily butthurt (mainly corporate execs) or over-obssessed fans.
It's mentality like this that is the reason why the video game industry is in the shitter and why so many companies like EA, Activision-Blizzard, Ubisoft, Squeenix, etc., etc. are able to get away with so much shit. Retards like you letting shit pass by thinking "it's not THAT bad" and then suddenly things get worse.
Personally, I couldn't care less about what happens to the creator. He said stupid shit in a public sphere and someone dug it up and he paid the price. Call me an autistic fuck, but I'd rather be called that than be a fucking moron and let things slide. Hold everyone to the fire and NEVER let them forget their mistakes, lest they are doomed to repeat it.