Nihonkoku Shoukan - Vol. 4 Ch. 16

Dex-chan lover
Oct 19, 2018
Yo that was dirty, you clown-faced commander!

Enemies using hostages and non-combatants as covers just made things lots more complicated :(
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2020
thanks for the translation! Looking forward to the next chapter!
shield hero lives FeelsGoodMan
Group Leader
May 25, 2019
I keep thinking this is GATE while reading all the comments, and was just wondering why you guys didn't mention that they can keep importing food from our world through the world gate, and that even if the army is out using fuel and stuff it's only 100,000 people or something. Then I remembered the actual premise of this series.
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2020

Actually, the manga will not follow the sequence of the LN and WN. There will be a "slight" detour, but that detour is still part of the main story and it is included in the LN and WN, only that it is supposed to be featured after the meeting with Fenn Kingdom but the Japan-Fenn meeting will take place after the next arc
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 20, 2018
Imagine if China got issekai'd instead, they would probably put all of the nations in the "education camps". Or just straight genocide, assimilate (sinicization) or vassalize them through unequal treaties. Basically the British empire on steroids, and no NATO to morally judge them or ethically keep them in check.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
@Laundrysauce Whether it will collapse or not, no idea. But size and population, Japan is bigger than the UK or Germany. Sociopolitical and infrastructure, Japan is one of the most stable and advanced in the world.

Of course, manga like this love elevating their own country to unbelievable standards, but you might also want to check out the world a little more, just sayin'.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
@thedestroyership The ambushing knights have to run to the soldiers noisily and engage in melee, while the soldiers just have to turn and shoot. It's far from a perfect ambush.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 10, 2018
@MACOP plus don't forget the freaking heavy armor their wearing it would be okay if they actually just discarded their armor to increase mobility they would have been successful.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 10, 2018
@dsuke They get the oil from the Dwarve country they call it burning water and coal same thing they call it burning rock its in the WN.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2018

Logistically, politically and socially, Japan can survive pretty long without outside support. Japan already boasts a 21% recycling rate in 2012 with a steady annual increase in recycling volume and efficiency. We know at least one Japanese village has zero trash and achieved 100% recycling rate last year.

Socially and cyulturally, the Japanese do not really need anything from the outside world. The Japanese exports culture and entertainment and do not really need entertainment as imports. The Japanese people are also quite xenophobic, and do not get depressed if they can't go to foreign countries. They don't need tourists from other countries either and couldn't care less about other countries's opinion of them.

The only problems would be food and raw materials. Japan is a geologically poor country, requiring massive amounts of resources to be brought in to support its industry. It also is not self-sufficient in food production, at least at their current level of consumption. Rationing will only last them so far, that's why food support from qua toyne is crucial.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 10, 2018
@hedgemoney Fuel and food will be rationed about work the can employ people to work on the other countries infrastructure project in order to speed up the building of the infrastructure so they can cope with their supply demand its pretty difficult to manage that but still doable the main problem is the economic crash due to losing america and other countries the dollar would lose value and a lot of countries have dollar reserves also other reserve currency and don't forget the international companies like Apple and Google and Microsoft how they can manage losing their headquarters that's what I'm more concern about since the fuel food and workforce can be manage by the government but not the the economic crash.

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