Nihonkoku Shoukan - Vol. 4 Ch. 16

Group Leader
Dec 28, 2018
@ Laundrysauce Based on WW2 statistics (which i know is greatly outdated), Japan would last roughly 2 years, half that in wartime. If you factor food, roughly 3-5 months.
They produce their own food and other necessities however it's greatly lacking consumption. Japan pretty much imports EVERYTHING.
Critical resources they import are scrap metal, rare earth, oil/energy, and food.

Even the US would only last 11 years tops (energy, based on oil 2017 reserves (not including the hidden stockpiles every country has)) if they lost all those imports, and that assumes they wont lose key infrastructure after a year or two. Can be damn sure that multiple aspiring leaders(dictators) will branch off and create their own military factions too if given the opportunity once they are transported away from so many obstacles. You get real close to your own branch and being ordered to give your now non-replenishable supplies in an order you don't agree with can cause massive friction.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2019
Well as long as you don't think about GATE, I think this is a semi-decent manga.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 7, 2019
Just give everyone full helmets already, this faces are torture for every reader q.q
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 25, 2019
@Hell_Satan in gate right? As far as i know there where no losses in the defence of alnus hill but they lost one in the battle for the jade palace no?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
You can do cartwheels in plate mail. It's a major misconception that it slows anyone down. The lack of shoes that can grip all surfaces are what would slow down soldiers (anyone) in these situations.
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2020

Who? you mean Lt. Gen Kazuki Ouchida?

[ Remember the woman archer from Ch. 1? Yeah, she became his girlfriend and they are the first inter-world couple. Also, Kazuki is leading the JGSDF in Mu and eventually, the liberation of Leifor/spoiler]
Active member
Apr 13, 2019
For those who don't remember or didn't pay attention in the early chapter, Japan has already secured their needed (even a little more) food and fuel supplies from Qua-Toyne principality and the Quila kingdom respectively, with a treaty that basically says that those two nations will supply Japan in exchange that Japans will invest and build the necessary infrastructure for them such as deepwater ports and railways (that are to further increase their exports to Japan). And about taking time to build things such as Oil wells, the Quila kingdom has at small scale structures that are probably the equivalent to pre-ww1 oil wells (Ch. 3, pg. 7). Actually by chapter 3 from pages 10 to 15 Japan literally just nullified their handicap in one fell swoop, and that's also the reason why Japan is fighting against the "Lorian insurgents"
Jun 3, 2018

couldn't care less about other countries's opinion of them

You ever talked to Japanese people? This reminds me of a joke, of sorts, my boss (Japanese guy) told me once about different countries views on elephants. Went something like this.

The Germans want to know how humans and elephants can coexist.
The French want to know how elephants have sex.
The Chinese want to know how they can eat elephants.
And the Japanese want to know, what does elephants think about Japan.

I've not had many conversations with Japanese people where they didn't ask my opinion of Japan. Most people will say they like stuff Japanese food, manga, trains being on time or whatnot and the Japanese person will then smile and nod and agree that 'yes, isn't Japan just the best?'. It's some kind of self-esteem thing on a level I haven't seen in many other places.

How convenient. I feel that's like trading for a resource in Civ and now the entire country immediately has access to it. No mentions of the amount of oil and coal in the WN I suppose?
Aggregator gang
Sep 10, 2018
@RamenRider I already saw someone running an obstacle course using plate armor its possible and quick but with limited vision with those helmet doubt they can move that fast.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2018

Ai-chan is Japanese. Ai-chan is only here because it's all free and Ai-chan can speak English anyway. The Japanese will ask you what you think, if you're nearby, just to be nice, but they really don't care what you think. If you say Kyoto sucks, they will just nod their heads and not bring it up again in front of you. If you think Japanese food sucks, then they'll accept that it's your opinion and just won't feed you anymore Japanese food or any food whatsoever.

Of course, there are always Japanese internet trolls who'd escalate small issues. But that's not because they care about the issue, it's just because they have nothing better to do. Speaking of Japanese trolls, they are worse than English trolls, because they actually drove people to suicide and they don't feel or care anything about it.
Jun 3, 2018

I'm not talking about the question itself, people everywhere ask that of visitors. What sets pretty much all japanese I've been asked this by apart from the most other people is the almost inevitable follow up やっぱり when I point out something I find nice. Like it is beyond obvious that it is so and that I'm a particularly civilized gaijin for noticing.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2019
That page between the knight commander holding 2 girls hostages and the next when someone suddenly appears behind a pillar and flank him is strange. Like, it was so fast paced that it didn't even looked like it was manga or comics or whatever.

Thanks for the chapter!
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 9, 2018
@vangoz It's almost as if modern day JSDF is not the same as WW2 Japanese army, just like modern day German army is not the same as Wehrmacht/Waffen-SS.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Captain Rand was a pretty cool dude
Rip in pepperspray

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