Non-Profit Delivers Over 50,000 Paper Cranes to Kyoto Animation's Studio

Dec 30, 2018
Earlier today, a non-profit based in Kyoto delivered over 50,000 paper cranes to the remains of Kyoto Animation’s Studio 1 building. The paper cranes were made by fans of Kyoto Animation upon request by the organization. Also along with the cranes messages were also delivered to the studio that were written in Chinese and Korean. More information including the cultural significance of paper cranes can be read here:

I remember when I made a paper crane for a cause. It was a nice looking paper crane made from a wintery theme stationary paper. I wonder how its doing and what others who saw thought of it. Well regardless I am sure the people were happy to see it. Has anyone made paper cranes before whether it be for a cause or just for the fun of it?
Mar 4, 2019
I was used to do paper cranes when I was at the “psychiatric hospital”, but not only crane, I learned to do all kinds of origami.
I had disposed all my colored paper animals in the main room, I think it brought a little bit of warm into this cold atmosphere.
Dec 30, 2018
Nice! 🙂 I think adding colorful designs and artwork can warm up a room. It's a shame you got rid of them though.

I was taught to make a couple of origami designs back when I was child, but I had forgotten how to since. Now that I think about it a while back I thought about doing origami as a hobby. I still would not mind making origami but I have a concern of where I would store or display my designs since I do not have enough space where I live.

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