I miss them lol, we moved a couple years ago but man those neighbors were the best. So many good stories.
My mom bailed one of them out once bc she came home to find him stranded on his roof with a ladder fallen across his yard.
He yelled to my mom getting out of her car "-mom's name-! Help! Pick up my ladder!"
She puts the ladder up for him and he climbs down saying "Thank you, thank god, my wife will be home any minute now and if she were the one to find me I'd never hear the end of it" (the story spread very quickly regardless lmao)
Another time my sister and I were home alone (us both being in our 20's I'll add) and a fucking toilet started flooding. We were freaking out trying to get a hold of our parents because we didn't know how to shut off the water. we started to panic as the entire room became flooded and I finally yelled at my sister "GO GET -neighbor-!" he comes over laughing being like "The way your sister came running I thought you had hurt yourself or something" and turned off our water lmao.
And then there was the time when another neighbor got locked out of the house, so he came over to ours to ask if one of us kids could crawl through his small basement window because that was the only one open lmao. I volunteered as tribute.