Because my sister doesn’t like it when I swear when I write these. Shoutouts to her.
Anyways, theres a good story underneath a lot of jelly in this jam. The main gimmick doesn’t overstay it’s welcome and it does a good enough job getting the jelly out of the trope jam. It does slack off a bit during volume 4 but it gets good afterwards and finishes STRONG. It works for that 9/10 rating and it deserves it.
Anyways, theres a good story underneath a lot of jelly in this jam. The main gimmick doesn’t overstay it’s welcome and it does a good enough job getting the jelly out of the trope jam. It does slack off a bit during volume 4 but it gets good afterwards and finishes STRONG. It works for that 9/10 rating and it deserves it.