Orc Eiyuu Monogatari ~Sontaku Retsuden~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.2

Jun 26, 2020
You know, this sums up well the experiences many non-japanese people have with japanese police.
Something bad happens?
Go question the foreigner.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2020
I see quite a bit of people saying they are on the fence about dropping this. Recently I caught up to the WN so I'm gonna discuss a few things. I'll put spoiler discussion in the spoiler section so if you are interested, I recommend avoiding that section.

For the basic topic, we need to discuss Bash. Bash is very basic, he's not really a character that grows throughout the story. Bash's role is to actually stimulate the heroine of each arc and they are the ones to actually grow as characters. Bash's only goal is to get laid and bring the bride back so he can make love to her every day and have 5-6 kids. Now Bash is very quiet and does not speak often, and when he does, its very direct with very very few words. This allows other characters to project all sorts of things on him. More on that later. Bash is also very culturally inept, he takes everything at face value so many times later in the story the reader may feel frustrated that if he were more aware, his journey would have ended right there and he'd be mating pressing his bride the following chapters Asanagi style (you, the one in the back, you know what I'm talking about). Now, Bash is fine with basically anyone, he just wants to lose his V-card so the stupid mark won't appear on his head, because of this, we know for a fact that he won't succeed in his journey until the final reaches of the story. At the time of this writing, there are 4 arcs. The author has not updated the story in 6 months so it'll be up into the air when the story actually ends. So minor spoilers, Bash is still on his quest.

Now if Bash is a huge turn off for you, I want to point out that the interesting part of the story is actually the heroine of each arc. The basic layout of each arc centers around the heroine, how the war has affected them, their prejudices against the orc race in general, and how Bash has caused them to rethink about those, or at least about him specifically. Each arc is a basically a self contained story, with only Bash being the connecting element. So if that isn't your cup of tea, then yeah, I won't recommend this to you. Now on to spoilers.

As of the time of this writing, as stated previously, there are 4 arcs with 4 heroines. Judith, a human knight, and current heroine right now. Sandersonia(or Thunder Sonia), an elf mage. Primera a half-Dwarf blacksmith, and Sylviana, a fox-beastman princess. These are very broad summaries of what happens in those arcs.

Judith, being the human representative is as stated, a knight. Her hatred of orcs comes from her sister, whom she looked up to being broken by them. As a captive of an orc chief, she gave birth to several orc children and was subjected to orc cruelty. For those of you that look for orc hentai, you can already imagine her treatment. After the war, with the treaty about returning POWs, the sister is returned home. And as we mentioned, she was broken. She was so traumatized that she refuses to leave her room, and breaks down even looking at her own father. Due to this, Judith wants nothing more than murder Bash and every other orc off the face of the planet. However, Bash being the awesome thing that he is, manages to save Judith from being raped after she was captured. As Bash is leaving after his proposal was rejected (it was literally just him asking "Will you birth my children?") Judith's commander tells her that Bash is on a journey to destroy all stray orcs in order to protect the pride of the orcs and for his lord and how he's the ideal knight and stuff, earning Judith's respect as she looks towards matching that loyalty and dedication (yes, her misunderstanding). That concludes Judith's story.

Sonia (Sandersonia or Thunder Sonia, I'm not sure which. Just going with Sonia for ease) is an elven mage that has a direct history with Bash. In this setting, Elves have a life span of 500 years. Much longer than humans, but not to the insane lengths as other fantasy stories. However, Sonia is 1200 years old, the reason being she used an ancient spell to extend her life span. The reason was that she was actually quite old when the war broke out and the elves desperately needed her powers for the war, hence she used the spell to make herself immortal and fought in the war. Being a big figure in the war, she and Bash fought. Bash came out victorious. However, after Bash won, he simply left, but because of her loss to him, EVERYONE assumed that she was horrifically raped and then left there so at present, no one wants to court her, thinking she's just an orc's sloppy seconds. A fact she laments hard as not even humans want her. An Orc lich appears, allowing Sonia and Bash to team up, and they save the elves together. During Bash's stay in the elven forest, she learns more about him and comes to like him. At the end of the arc Bash proposes to Sonia, making a great effort, wearing elven clothing and getting her a proposal neckless. Sonia however, rejects him for the reason that she thinks Bash assumes she's an easy woman. Now its kinda implied that if Bash pushed a little harder, she would be in his hut pushing little orc babies out. I want to also point out that Sonia is a light tsundere, so we have someone that takes everything at face value, and a person that says things she doesn't really mean, you get the idea. Anyways, Bash leaves, and Sonia also decides to go on a journey to look for a spouse (heavily implies she's tsundere chasing after Bash).

Primera is a half dwarf (human mother) who was probably the least affected by orcs and thus actually the most open to him. Her story is actually a bit unique compared to the other stories as her problems does not really stem from a hatred or dislike of orcs, but from her insecurities about herself. She is also the daughter of the dwarf hero (deceased) but the only one that has a human mother, meaning her body looks very different from her brothers and sisters. Full Dwarf women are short, stout, and very thick, so Primera, taking after her human mother, looks like a well built woman, or a twig when compared to dwarves. Since she grew up in dwarvan values, she thinks that she's very ugly (Bash, orcs, and humans will find her drop dead gorgeous) and she has an inferiority complex as she constantly competes with her siblings in blacksmithing to prove she's just as good if not better than them. When she encounters Bash, she asks him to be her warrior to participate in a tournament that show off warriors, and Blacksmith skills. After some pondering Bash agrees. Zel tells Bash that a champion of the battle would probably have women thrown at him so it was his best chance at finding a bride. In this arc, we basically get the author jerking off at how powerful and amazing Bash is when he absolutely tears into the competition. Under normal circumstances, Bash will be invincible in this tournament, but the problem is that there is a separate win condition, if you can destroy your opponent's armor or weapon, then you win instead. If Bash moves at full power, he will break his armor, and during his test runs using Primera's gear, he bends and breaks her swords. Bash gets around this for the first part by moving so fast and using his hands to beat his opponents so he won't break Primera's sword. Watching Bash fight, and examining Bash's personal sword, she finds inspiration and comes to her with herself. She is not as good as deceived herself into thinking and begins self improvement. At the end of the tournament, Bash loses because his sword snapped in half (note that his enemy, another strong orc, had multiple limbs broken at this point, but had the best gear on him). Opponent Orc uses his victory wish to free all slaves and Bash leaves. Now as Bash is leaving, Primera proposes to Bash, but she uses a dwarf proposal. Stating she will only make armor for him. Bash took this to face value, and states, when his sword breaks, he'll take her up on her offer. Zel wasn't with Bash at this moment cause if she was, Bash would have had his bride. Anyways, Primera takes it as she needs to mature up a bit so she earnestly starts improving her craft and waiting for the day Bash comes back for her. Bash leaves for the next territory.

Sylviana is a beastman princess. Beastman in this world are culturally similar to Japan, so I'm thinking Sylviana looks like a kitsune dressed in a miko outfit. Anyways, the back story to Sylviana is that she was very close to the beastman hero Leto, like she and her sister were competing to be his bride and she was the one that was closest to him. Leto was slain by Bash in the final moments of the war. See Leto was part of the hero party consisting of a human prince hero, Sonia, and a dwarf hero. They were the ones to kill the demon king with the dwarf hero dying in the battle. A worn out Leto fought and held off Bash while the prince carried Sonia off to safety. After an intense battle, Bash kills Leto, but here's the thing, normally beastmen consider being defeated by a strong enemy to not be a shame, but the problem is that Bash left Leto's body there as if it were trash. This greatly angered the beastmen who developed a cultural hatred of orcs and Bash specifically. We later learn that the reason why Bash didn't do the usual thing with strong enemy corpses was because one of the demon king's aid's last request was to not let people see the demon king's corpse, so he prioritized those words and took the bodies of the demon king and his aids away. Now Sylviana wants revenge for Leto being killed and disgraced. Her plan was to seduce Bash and then claim Bash raped her so she could ignite a war with the orcs again (a war that the orcs will surely lose). Here we're introduced to an over arching story about the remnants of the demon lord's aids trying to revive him. After Bash seemingly sides with the prince hero he drives the demon king's forces off. Bash sided with the prince was because he really REALLY wanted to fuck Sylviana, that was his actual reason. Prince and Sylviana thinks its for some noble reason. Anyways, Bash proposes to Sylviana. She refuses. She thinks she's unworthy of someone as great as him. Bash leaves. A later scene shows that she wants to improve herself because if she becomes worthy of Bash then...
Bash, after asking some characters from the Primera arc decides to head for the demon territory to see if a demon will be his bride. This was the last update since June 2020.

The heroines project Bash as this intensely noble, loyal, and resolute man who serves his lord to the letter. Even with offered with a great opportunity he turns it down because of said loyalty. However, Bash really REALLY REALLY just wants to get laid. And that's the punchline. Good night everyone.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 17, 2018
So we've got Orcs, Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Beastmen, and Demons.
Are the 4 waifus from the 4 races of the alliance or ought we expect conquests among the Demons and the remaining races of the war?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2020

Bash visits the (I'll call them the light races: Elves, humans, Dwarves and Beastmen) because they are actually fairly close to the Orc territory. There is another reason though, but it is only specific to the demon race currently and its that demons are very powerful magically. Because of this, demons tend to look down on Orcs and orcs couldn't exactly forcibly capture a demon like they did with the light races, being allies and all. There seem to be an actual demon race that doesn't include succubi, but that's just my interpretation so far, I could be wrong. I'll explain below.

Interestingly in the beastmen arc, we are introduced to some old demon allies, specifically, a succubus who respects Bash to an insane degree. But as Bash explains, he journey cannot end with said succubus. There is an orcish legend or story where a powerful orc took a succubus as his bride and was the envy of all of his orc brothers. However, one day, the orc found his brothers looking at him strangely. He went to check his reflection and found the virgin mark on his forehead. Feeling the shame he disappeared and died nameless in some random corner of the world. So that explains why he couldn't just beeline for succubus home and be done with it.

Finally the treaty is often referred to as the treaty of the 7 races. I'm not sure if orcs counted as a major race, but I will presume that by the end of Bash will have 6-7 brides ready to submit to him and his mind break orc dick(they've used every orc hentai trope so far, so I presume this is in effect). Since Bash is heading to demon territory, I will assume that when the story resumes, it'll be focused on the demon races, and this new conflict with the resurrection of the demon king.

As for my predictions, I think Bash won't lose his virginity in time and he does become a magic warrior, but ends up being the new demon king by using his new magical powers to save the girls that came to help him and defeat the revived demon king. The story will then conclude with the question of whether Bash finally gets laid or not in the air. I will absolutely hate this ending, but I feel like this is the ending the author is heading towards.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2020
he actually cares to learn how to properly woo a woman.
when he's told, "listen, this is how things work here," he doesn't respond with, "but that's now how it works back home," he just says, "OK."
Mar 8, 2019
So those who already read the novel ahead please tell me did our org finally get laid?

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