Ore no Shibou Flag ga Todomaru Tokoro wo Shiranai

Aggregator gang
Sep 17, 2020

But the whole point of trying to stick as close to the plot as possible is so that the world doesn’t ... y’know, END? He literally explains that if the hero party of the main story can’t beat the game they’re fucked anyways. So far his actions have been pretty logical.
Jun 7, 2020
I like this he isnt a beta mc
nor is he dumb
its amazing you should give it a go
Double-page supporter
Sep 23, 2019
an isekai without a cookie cutter protagonist.
never seen it before, don't see it here either. it'd be more interesting without the internal monologue telling us "he's actually a nice guy!!1" and was actually a well meaning asshole, or developing the internal monologue/fighting his character, past comedic effect. instead we get soppy gronk self insert #9001.
Mar 15, 2018
No, when new people or groups post manga, they need to receive approval and the site manager is typically slow to approve (few hours to a day). You can tell it needs approval when the boxed x appears next to the chapter.
Active member
Jun 14, 2018
Anyone else think that Japanese manga adaptation release date is pretty frustrating because of how slow it is? I know it’s because they release the chpter in a magazine. But why can’t they release weekly or at least once every two weeks like most manhwa? The novel has been there for ages. With the speed of tne release, it will be finished in several years. I don’t understand how Japanese people have the patience to wait for a new chapter in like once every two months, keep their interest in the title, and not get bored of waiting.
Active member
Mar 8, 2020
It’s getting worse and worse. At first I thought I’d have a blast reading this but.. that isn’t the case. The characters, setting, story, they’re all subpar, the only quality that makes this stand out is the mc’s character, that’s all, remove him and you’ll get a slightly worse than average isekai. Hopefully it’ll get better.

Yeh, like fridgebro said, it’s just a self insert. Oh you’re a horrible person? No you’re not, you’re actually a good person with a sharp tongue. Oh you’re lazy and useless? You aren’t, you’re actually really hardworking but you just have no stamina. etc, etc.
Jun 29, 2019
What the auther now needs is support
Things can always improve by time
If this manga really got well appreciate, then getting an anime adaption might not be that far off, and I'm sure by that time the author wont have choice but to tie up the loose ends to finish the story nicely
The main reason the novel progress was lacking before was due to lack of support in the country itself, he started back to continue the story after the international fans started reaching out to him
Jan 8, 2019
To sum up:
So basically he is trying to stick to the main plot (the hero must gather all his party member, why? To slain the last boss, what for? To avoid
world destruction ofc, cause thats the game plot
) while he is also avoiding all death flags of him... how? Thats the story here

Its pretty amusing tho reading the novel. But yeah, sometimes some of the amusing points (and explanations) were lost in manga (and thats normal i think?)
And yeah, lets pray the author and his mangaka to release the chaps more frequent

Edit: p.s i got to laugh a lot tho while reading the novel, at least for me ^^
Group Leader
Apr 7, 2019

If they’re published on magazines, they will actually have fixed schedule of weekly, monthly, bimonthly etc. I do know a few LN manga adaptations that don’t have fixed schedule (those are the mangaka dream as they don’t have to chase crazy deadlines, and often allows for better art quality) that are published online whenever they’re ready (similar to OPM). And I think, like most anime adaptations, these manga adaptations serve to sell the source material: the light novels. If you can’t wait? Read the novels.

Aaaaanyway, back to Death Flags, this manga actually releases every two weeks, it’s just that the scanlation is very behind (raw is up to chapter 17 currently). And with its LN having no fixed schedule, it can actually catch up to it in a few short years...
Group Leader
Apr 7, 2019

Thankfully it seems the situation has been improving with the well-received manga adaptation. The LNs are finally receiving digital release this month (it was physical-only, and was out of print in many places), and the manga is also getting physical release (it was digital-only). What we can do to support is to read the series in official channels (unfortunately the manga requires VPN), every view counts, and/or buy the books if possible, and give encouragement on the authors’ twitters. Personally been trying to get JNC to pick up the series ahaha..

Izumi-sensei (novel author) also promised to finish the novel in their birthday tweet so there’s that 😇

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