Well, does hime actually know, they have been cursed? She just wandered the wilderness and her actions seemed to make sense to her. Then she meets her fiancée , who breaks up with her. And a random hussy (reason for the break up?) and some kid tell her, that he broke up, because he was cursed to be gay...I wouldn't buy that shit.
She is clearly under the influence of the curse (merged with the demon king?), so as irritating as she was in that chapter, one can hardly blame her. That douche of knight there on the other hand....Is his mental state somehow crippled? He doesn't really care about anything. He's just a bastard! He only had to lie this one time, to calm her down. I'm really pissed of by him!
@Redice: Oh fuck, you've killed it. That's so good, even if it turns out you were wrong, the "real" curse and follow up story can't be as good as your theory.