@Angelicsailor While Izumi's memories and personality seem to be predominant, Charlotte is actually there as well. This is evident in the love she feels for her family as them being her actual family as well as her behavior as expected of a noble girl. While Izumi was sad about Charlotte's backstory when she saw it in the game, she didn't show any inclination for caring about the family aside from general sympathy. Charlotte on the other hand is devastated by the potential future that awaits her family and wants to do everything in her power to protect them. Furthermore, despite her shift in personality, she still acts accordingly to her status as nobility with all the etiquette that she would have learned by the age of 12, such etiquette that Izumi wouldn't have learned. So aside from her brother, and maybe her dad, no one has noticed much change in her. As such, we are indeed seeing someone with both memories combined, so it's not just Charlotte in spirit, but rather a new person altogether. Charzumi, if you will.