F*ck off b*tch eat sh*t. Yeah that should be the sentence of this chapter. Oh and don't think b*tch is only about some of the girls, it's to some of the boys in this chapter too.
He only particularly has relations with Livia and Angie, but keeps flirting with the Queen. The other former fiances end up throwing their hats in the ring, and he also kinda wooes the Final Boss. That one's tragic because
to repay for her crimes she's basically under house arrest to be used by varying nobles to be bred and eventually have the potential child kidnapped and taught to be a loyal servent to the kingdom. All while she mourns her sis' death. It's fucked up and to date that's where it's left.
I'm really looking forward to the reveal. I've only spoilt myself a little so I have absolutely no idea what is going to happen except what Noobtube said. But I'm anticipating it!
@TheFiller lol my dude shes literally a mother what are you smoking why would she be a virgin.
and no shit someone drawn like that isnt going to be up to any good.