Otomege Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu - Vol. 5 Ch. 25 - Sky Pirate Subjugation III

Feb 3, 2018
I get what some have said about Olivia; I also get what the story itself said (and others have predicted) about Leon stealing Olivia's opportunities for growth.

But none of those are an excuse for what she did.

Not only did she see combat being waged outside and go running into it after bemoaning her lack of ability, when one of the princes gave her what amounted to a second chance, she didn't take it at all--she remained on the deck. Maybe I could accept this from a noble, but she's a commoner--she almost certainly has far less distance from the hardships and hardnesses of nature; this in contrast to nobles, who are clearly seen to live the high, sheltered life--especially if they're female. What Olivia demonstrated was a complete lack of self-preservation instinct. Not being in the right state of mind be damned--how would she run all that way down a hall, take the time to argue with maintenance drones about leaving the (likely) absolute safety of Luxion to enter a battlefield of mechs, and not once think about how quickly she could get splattered out there? And then, when one of the obvious consequences of being out there at that time was luckily averted for the moment, and she was told to take shelter, not realize that her place at that time wasn't where tons of metal and weaponry were engaged in a pitched battle?

Luxion might have been meant for Olivia, but--from a reader's perspective--he's in far better hands with Leon. At least Leon gives him a being of substantial quality (in a general sense, no less) to work with; Olivia, in her most natural, unchanged/unimproved state, is the type of person who'd do what was described above (though lovable, generally). If she couldn't use her brain to save her life there, what would she have done with Luxion?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Most of the sentiment from last chapter remains the same. This is kind of a communication breakdown, with more than a little being because Leon stubbornly locks himself in as a mob character for some reason. I don't mind Olivia, since she's just as emotionally compromised.

That said, this chapter is pretty wholly melodrama besides the nice moment to give the idiots some chance to see combat and act heroic, so it's...meh.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 15, 2019
Is it just me, or are the pages kind of small? I'm pretty sure I have original size set on ManDex, so is it the scans?

While it was pretty dumb for her to go onto the deck without a plan, that's more plot dumb so I can forgive it.
Mar 23, 2020

that happens for a long time. He won't stop doing the "but I'm just a mob character" and "I need to get a wife other than the girls throwing themselves on me because they aren't mob characters like me."
It can get annoying after awhile. But it's the stupid gag of this story that the author won't drop. I gave up on the novel so I don't know if the MC ever evolved past that.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 18, 2018
I can kinda agree with him in this case though. Most of the time, when you get an MC trying to pull back from another character it's because of cheap drama, sure, but going on here you have other people, multiple other people, telling him that he's been sabotaging her wellbeing by doing too much for her, you then have HER saying basically the same thing to him from a different angle, and now you have a situation where, were he to intervene, he'd be doing more of what he's just been criticised for. She is supposed to face danger to grow? Well, there you go. And the people meant to protect here are there, protecting here. All is as it should be, apparently. And her accusation that his companionship is sourced from malicious intent, which is what I'd consider the desire to keep someone as a pet, is honestly hurtful. So there's the emotional reason to not do what you've been doing up until now, the lady herself has reacted negatively to it even on an emotional level.

I'm not sure where people are getting the idea Luxion was "meant" for Olivia. IIRC, it was PTW in the original game, so I'd consider it outside the 'fated dynamic' the game intended. Obtaining it has certainly elevated him from the position of a mob, but it's not that which has had him taking over Olivia's role, that's all the stuff he's done after getting his ship. The events she should have been dealing with that he has been instead, with that power. Growth usually comes through adversity and he has been robbing her of that, that accusation is spot on. But it is quite difficult to willingly let someone you like suffer, even if you casually blow it off with "It's for your own good."
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
> Its not that I dont understand what Livia is doing, which really shown as reckless as she is to become burden in the middle of the attack.
If you are useless in the middle of am organization, and feel the urge to become useful to find your place, you will act like Livia.
You need somehow a validation from others for them to accept you, but, it should be within your own scope of understanding, maturity, and expectations.

Livia will not accept such consoling words from Leon. She will hopelessly feels more useless.
The question is why?
Because, right from the start, Livia was meant to be a Saintess, and not someone surrounded by Warriors/Soldiers like Leon.
She was in the wrong place after all, so she seeks her place in that wrong place..
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@someunregpunk MC will continue his facade as a Mob till the end but he already accepted that he's the MC of that world and Olivia is his heroine. So expect MC throwing "I'm just a mob character" joke till the end because... that joke is the title of this series.

The main story started when this arc finished. All previous chapters were just the opening of the grand stage. It's too soon to judge the characters development at this point.

@Shaiineko In the novel, it's indicated Olivia is in state of confusion and depression because of bullying she took from her surroundings. So obviously she's would do stupid things as a depressed person normally do. This is why novel is preferred than adapted manga because manga will cut lots of details to fit the limited pages.,
Mar 22, 2019
Is this one of the Isekai setting where they fire the whole cartridge from their guns?
Aggregator gang
Apr 14, 2019
GOD i hate it.. mental problem is so hard to write and i dont like reading it.
Probably because it hits too close to home..

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