can you imagine what will happen when a fujodan/shi or maybe a psycho or a BDSM lover etc, play the illusion stage in ch 69....the only thing i can say is "that is bad, so bad" :v
@Dennamen um... Quan Zhi Gaosho (not sure bout the spelling) doesn't have revenge and transmigration and reborn or reincarnaitions... just saying😅haha...
@ruleofpro maybe you want to help the group to expedite our release? We're always looking for
1. raw downloaders
2. cleaners
3. chinese translators
4. typesetters
Actually I would like to try out for cleaner, I have experience for photoshop as I make anime Gfx. If u want to see example, I post my art on reddit with u/thatkidrule and for contact dm me on twitter @lawofpro.