Finally - the first volume of the novel is all revised!
To re-read the revised content, please also remember to refresh the chapter page, or delete the novel from your bookshelf and bookmark it once more.
Not only are the episodes adapted from the manga, but there are lots of new additions too!
Also some of the more explicit lines, like Ch 5's "You're so kind, you haven't changed at all from before", to which Evie could only respond with "???????"I just went back to reread the series. Just realized that this scene could explain the early chapters where Elsa stuck to Evie and asked to be bullied.
This refers solely to the web novel, not the manhua.Thank you very much for your work!
Too 'CUTE' !🥰🥰
I read @chise_redtrap's twitter and it seems updates have been made :
Will there be updates of the previous chapters?