Publication / RAWS / Release rate

Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
The publication status is nice and all,

but can we get more specified details, specifically for the original language/ RAWS release rate, something like

Onging: (maybe another indicator for digital release only, or printed only, etc up to you guys...)
Random (edit: like berserk or HxH... :p)

and another one like reading progress, but at pub. status for current latest RAW? if it's completed, just put the final volume/chapter released.

as for extra or omake release, that's something Admin/TL'ers have to decide on...

I know mangaupdates already cover most of these stuffs, but maybe with these info readily accessible in the title manga info page, readers won't have to keep asking is the translation up to date with release, more, and stuff.
Plus, we can see if the translation have stopped for how long too.

just my 2 cents.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
> but can we get more specified details
Why? In which way would it be usefull?

> maybe with these info readily accessible in the title manga info page, readers won't have to keep asking is the translation up to date with release, more, and stuff
erhm, I'm probably blind but out of 200-something (not much I know :X ) followed series I literally never seen anyone asking this :/

> we can see if the translation have stopped for how long too
I'm probably stupid but how will release shedule allow to see if translation have stopped?
BTW there's release date (upload date actually but who cares :B ) for every chapter. Shouldn't this indicate if translation stopped? Like if last translated chapter was released yesterday, or 1 month ago, or over a year ago...

Edit: ok, I was kind enough to do your homework for you...
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
ok, I was kind enough to do your homework for you...
Absolutely savage.

If nothing else, you should at least read Ply's response, OP.
Jan 18, 2018
Some people really need to understand that fanscanlation isn't constricted by schedule of releases like mangaplus, Viz and rest of official tranlations. Just because raws are weekly/monthly doesn't mean translation will be out right away.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018

thanks I guess, didn't cross my mind to search the thing first, my bad...

but I do come across people asking and myself also, especially if the scanlating group do a mass release and at the end they would say, we caught up to raws but don't mention it's weekly or somewhat else...

I already mention mangaupdates have the info, just thought it'll be nice if the same info is here... that's all


is it a burn? this is my first time posting in MD forum honestly... Usually I only comment in the manga/chapter comment only.....

and I do agree on Ply's response.
but at the same time, displaying it readily here instead of checking at mangaupdates would be easier... make it editable by anybody with the proper clearance, and don't think too much about it


this is less about scanlators, more about the info on RAWs but not that important really. since there's thousands of RAW titles but what percentage actually gets translation (either fan or official)?

I already said, just my 2 cents.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Go complain about it there.
I don't think OP is complaining about it per say.

I've seen various suggestion threads that have a tone of "the staff are obligated to implement this" rather than "I think this addition could be helpful", but OP's suggestion falls under the latter (which is a good thing).
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018

yes it's a site for scanlation , but also for readers too....

not all readers know what goes behind the scene. some care more, some just go, 'eh, whatever...'

admin/staffs, scanlators and readers all need each other. and like it or not, the biggest group is readers....

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