I love how, whenever someone uploads their translations but then adds some stupid bullshit at the end, there are always mouthbreathers who crawl out of the woodworks.
"There's murder and rape in there! You think fictional violence isn't bad, but actual bigotry is?" ...Yes? Is that supposed to be a trick question? Sorry that we can tell fiction from reality, I guess?
"No one will be radicalized by this." Not by any one thing, no. But a constant stream of bullshit is certainly not going to help. There's some pretty good information out there about the alt-right pipeline, but anyone here who needs to see it would just ignore it so whatev.
"They're just jokes." Yeah, except have you ever done something ironically? And then you keep doing it - ironically - because you still find it funny? But then "ironically" eventually starts fading into "unironically"? Don't pretend you haven't.
Besides, the punchline of a joke being "haha, other people doesn't deserve rights"... still means you think other people don't deserve rights. Or think they are subhuman, or intrinsically bad for daring to have been born in one arbitrary section of the world compared to another, etc. etc.
And hiding behind "i-it's just a joke, it doesn't mean anything!" is just a coward's move. Okay, so people don't like your joke? If it really is just a joke, just stop using that sort of joke. No reason to complain, just tell better jokes. Don't go after the audience saying "screw you, that's funny. These couple of guys like it, look!" Because no one who's actually funny has ever gotten away with that without getting kicked out for being an unfunny prick.
But if you're desperate to continue telling those jokes anyway, despite complaints, then that means you have a message in those jokes you want to tell. Whiiiiich means no, it's not just a joke.
Like, do we really have to explain what a 'joke' is?besides telling y'all to just look in the closest mirror, haHA GOTTEM
"If you don't like it, don't read it!" Except here's the thing. I do like it. I do like Pumpkin Night. I do like campy comedy horror. But if you have something you like, then the person giving it to you suddenly adds a dollop of whipped diarrhea on top, then that's a problem. If you can do something without adding some shiton top, then don't add the shit on top.
god it's like arguing with toddlers
They KNOW they're wrong, all they have is insincere arguments they don't actually believe, but you still have to set them straight or they'll keep crying about how unfair you are for punishing them for taking a dump on the floor.
Besides, there's an extra irony in how the past 2 alt-right translation shitshows have BOTH been around manga that actively make fun of Trump and alt-righters. Talk about being a meme, this is going "I'm not owned! I'm not owned! Look, I added some alt-right memes at the end of this manga making fun of me! So that means it's not making fun of me anymore!"
"There's murder and rape in there! You think fictional violence isn't bad, but actual bigotry is?" ...Yes? Is that supposed to be a trick question? Sorry that we can tell fiction from reality, I guess?
"No one will be radicalized by this." Not by any one thing, no. But a constant stream of bullshit is certainly not going to help. There's some pretty good information out there about the alt-right pipeline, but anyone here who needs to see it would just ignore it so whatev.
"They're just jokes." Yeah, except have you ever done something ironically? And then you keep doing it - ironically - because you still find it funny? But then "ironically" eventually starts fading into "unironically"? Don't pretend you haven't.
Besides, the punchline of a joke being "haha, other people doesn't deserve rights"... still means you think other people don't deserve rights. Or think they are subhuman, or intrinsically bad for daring to have been born in one arbitrary section of the world compared to another, etc. etc.
And hiding behind "i-it's just a joke, it doesn't mean anything!" is just a coward's move. Okay, so people don't like your joke? If it really is just a joke, just stop using that sort of joke. No reason to complain, just tell better jokes. Don't go after the audience saying "screw you, that's funny. These couple of guys like it, look!" Because no one who's actually funny has ever gotten away with that without getting kicked out for being an unfunny prick.
But if you're desperate to continue telling those jokes anyway, despite complaints, then that means you have a message in those jokes you want to tell. Whiiiiich means no, it's not just a joke.
Like, do we really have to explain what a 'joke' is?
"If you don't like it, don't read it!" Except here's the thing. I do like it. I do like Pumpkin Night. I do like campy comedy horror. But if you have something you like, then the person giving it to you suddenly adds a dollop of whipped diarrhea on top, then that's a problem. If you can do something without adding some shiton top, then don't add the shit on top.
god it's like arguing with toddlers
They KNOW they're wrong, all they have is insincere arguments they don't actually believe, but you still have to set them straight or they'll keep crying about how unfair you are for punishing them for taking a dump on the floor.
Besides, there's an extra irony in how the past 2 alt-right translation shitshows have BOTH been around manga that actively make fun of Trump and alt-righters. Talk about being a meme, this is going "I'm not owned! I'm not owned! Look, I added some alt-right memes at the end of this manga making fun of me! So that means it's not making fun of me anymore!"