Reincarnation no Kaben

Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@doomtc pretty sure the author made their research thus those lines the thing is they are still different people in comparison with their historical figure just like how
Hitler is actually a nice kid and isn’t about world domination killing jews and german master race
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 1, 2018
If the author did his research, then why did he have Simo's power involve a scope? I understand that Sinners as people are separate from their historical ancestors, but how could he goof the one famous detail of Simo?
Aug 15, 2020
This is a good manga. 8/10. Some dudes have superpowers and they're reincarnations of historical figures. Not realistic at all, don't come into this manga looking for real history either. This manga is about people with superpowers fighting each other and it has pretty interesting story. I recommend it.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 6, 2019
I'm pretty sure that is Da Vinci, right? Because Da Vinci always considered as a hidden genius in art and science.. looking at how FGO pictured him as well
Active member
Jan 16, 2024
It was good at first. I was hyped as hell. The main character was going to play EVERY side of this fight and take home every benefit.

He was gonna betray his comrades, take their amazing talents, it was all very in character of what we've seen from him up until then... and then he suddenly tells Immortal Solider his ENTIRE PLAN, and the Immortal Soldier just completely accepts it and is completely fine with everyone he cares about getting betrayed. Which is not at ALL in character, given that not even 2 chapters ago, he was planning on shooting first and asking questions later simply because of the SUSPICION that the main character might be a spy.

And, for some fucking reason, we then get a flashback to him telling the Musashi girl literally everything about his whole plan. I can only assume that the authors suddenly realized that they had a female main character and they needed her to remain important to the plot, so that's where the random ass flashback where she gets every piece of information came from. And for some reason, SHE doesn't care about the possibility of her entire friend group getting betrayed either. It's just like, what the fuck? Where is this confidence in this random person coming from? You've known him for a grand total of MAYBE a few weeks.

That's just about where the story starts to become a lot less enjoyable and it never really picks back up.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 17, 2023
Idk what to say.. Like, around 9 years for 19 volumes? Dayum this author cooks a bit too long
Feb 10, 2023
I can't believe how messed up the writing was.

The story had been a rollercoaster in a very bad way. Instead of enjoying the rollercoaster you were throwed a 180° rotation for each turn, turned upside down in a very straight line for a long time, and ran through a very long ascending track and being slapped in the end of it rather than having a great nosedive.

The author is very inconsistent in building a view of the situation. Imagine the following happen in a groups of 3-5 chapters in a row.
  • MC and the teams was defeated multiple times by the enemies.
  • MC and the teams is destroying the enemy team so hard.
  • The very same MC's allies are all slain in one chapter.
God dammit, don't just throw a 180° degree turn every time you like.

Not to mention that the author doesn't gave any exposition at all for the "main villain" of the arc, they just appeared and defeat the team. Same for the allies afterwards, they just appeared and disappeared in a blink of eyes.

The author failed to build the attachment needed for any of the characters, thus all of the characters felt like a noise rather than a human. There are so many stuff that happens suddenly without any exposition before.
Jul 30, 2024
This is one of my favourites mangas, i discovery It when i read in a random website "Neumans now is a anime girl in this manga", i'm a weird guy and im fan of Neumans and i say, "hey, i going to read It"
When i start to read It i don't like so much this manga and i dropped It, but one day i was really bored and i restart to read It, and damn, when i read the chapter 20, i fall in love of this manga, is perfect, i laugh and cry with the history, found a very pretty community and in a no joke way, I'm trying to have a better life thanks to him, read It, is perfect.
And Alex have two watermelons
Group Leader
Jul 19, 2018
Here before all the anime fans arrive. Probably my favorite manga.
Aug 20, 2018
Damn, both Hitler and Santa Claus confirmed as returners in one chapter. Amazing
Apr 7, 2018
Genuinely feel like i’ve wasted an evening figuring out why I never click on this on my updates page that I check at least 3 times a day. An extremely melancholic premise and opening chapter that rushes through its premise as fast as possible. It showed a lot of promise, and at first I was excited to rediscover why I felt interest in reading this manga. There are so many cliches that substitute characterization and make developing attachments to the wikipedia articles that surround the MC very difficult. An MC with so many pivots in his characterization you can tell the author either faced opposition from editorial early on or ran out of ideas on how to progress his growth. “Why should I care about any of these characters?”. I kept reading and reading trying to answer this question; I never found an answer. I’m caught up now, and all I can say is:
Aggregator gang
Aug 15, 2020
I hope we can catch up to the manga before the anime comes out, really good so far with the latest translated chapters, yall are doing great!
Jan 3, 2019
Meh ... nothing like i expected from the description.
It's power shonen in a modern age with bad monster like guys and highschoolers that can use the power of their past selfs?


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