Risou no Himo Seikatsu

Aug 28, 2018
I understand what you are coming, but even if he had no plans to do anything, having a computer with a vast amount of information is never a bad thing, even if you don't use it.
As the saying goes, always prepare for a rainy day ~

As far as credit or inventions, it's not like he can't pass them off to the Queen or somebody else too. He doesn't have to come out with things like a car or microwave, but water wheels, spinning thread, more information on glass making, metal and such, there is plenty that you can do that is in period theme.
Apr 23, 2019
I was looking for light isekai which have some ecchy in it, and high tolerance of shitty story because i want to pile up my ongoing readings. Found this and read it until the latest chapter, it may not be a gem for me, and surprisingly not a shitty one. Although MC is disappointing, the story already set me up from the beginning to tolerate that, so it's a pass. This is an isekai story with a unique perspective.
Double-page supporter
Feb 18, 2018

Hypocrite. Might as well add in the funny maid because she's hilarious and lovely. Also the healer girl pretty hot

Sigh, what made this special was the marriage and growth but it got ruined when it became like any other isekai....😭😭
Jan 25, 2019
@UnknownSaint111 How is this polygamy? At what point? Zenjirou gives a stupidly quick "NOPE" every time the subject is even brought up.

What manga are you even reading?
Double-page supporter
Apr 11, 2018
@mdem Going by the clothing they wear spinning thread has already been invented and It wouldn't bee far fetched to think that water wheels have been too.
The whole technology situation is kinda a mess, while some parts look like a James Watt could come right around the corner and push them into the industrial age, in some parts they seem just barely above Medieval Europe. Although given the existence of magic we don't if that has something to do with it.

So a person who didn't prepare for a technology transfer would be woefully out of their comfort zone, anything beyond steam engines need to be properly learned (and more importantly *taught*) to be of any use. Not to mention that introducing new technologies too quickly could ruin the whole economy.
Jan 24, 2018

thanks, I can't say I'm not dissapointed by that, but maybe when it comes to the manga I'll enjoy anyway. But the married couple flirting and love growing was one of the best things in the manga for me till now. I'm sad this might end
Aug 15, 2020
Uncommon perspective on isekai wherein the mc is subjected to politics and weak and kinda useless. Have a feeling that he will have another wife or concubine. If so happen, looking forward to what the author has to offer. It will be better if the twin kingdom have its background, geography, politics, etc. were discussed or elaborated for further improvement to world building of the plot.And the geopolitics on southern continent as well. Btw, the shadings of illustration were kinda hard look at especially at the early chapters.
Jan 18, 2018
First few chapters managed to hook me with mature characters and fresh isekai story, but eventually I realized this story has stagnated and it's only about boring reader to death with politics.

If you expected an isekai story filled with adventures, magic, fantasy and perhaps a hero MC then keep looking elsewhere.

Dropped after 27 chapters. (Took way too long honestly)
Feb 5, 2020
As much as i love this, something "big" really needs to happen sometime soon. An assassination attempt on Zenjirou in which he actually gets injured or just anything along those lines, the story constantly injects the idea that something is at stake via foreshadowing yet nothing ever comes of it.
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
dont worry a political debacle is already in the horizon because that stupid dog general
doesn't understand the first thing about hunting and bestial behaviour
if you hunt relentlessly the animals will change territories thats even more obvious in predators
to hunt predators while preventing them from migrating you either strike their nest and their all young ( predator females wil usualy go into a berserker rage if they see a human killing their offspring) or you simply just violate their territory
predators have a strong sense of territory and as long as they percieve themselves to be the predator they are unlikely to migrate even if they get slaughtered uppon attacking
if the general aiming to be field marshal is responsible for the attack of a city and causing a threat to the royals of two countries including his own just what do you think will happen?
fighting, assassination and war are not that far on the horizon
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
Screw off with the "politics in mah vidya" bullshit. Politics and worldbuilding are the redeeming factors that set this manga apart, and in fact this is the most engrossed I've been in an isekai in a looong time because of it. Guess I enjoy intelligent characters interacting with intelligent characters. Anyway it's not like there's a shortage of cheap, easy isekai/fantasy out there if that's your thing, although I can see how people could have been baited from the title and description.

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