The princess is such a simp!! I like it. Kidding aside, i think she has a good reason to be a simp tho. She almost killed by starvation if not found, which is unlikely cus she is the
princess. But there is a chance that she will. Aside from that, i think it is kinda exaggerating that she want the mc have the Phoenix. Why? Cause its not in her possession, it is in the kingdom possession. How does she says "Poppy i have a guy that can take care of our kingdom's sacred treasure, and i assure you that he can make it alive like it never been alive till now!!" Which is true, but can the king or duke even think to give it to mc?
I guess it went like this "Haha sure my precious daughter!! If he can make it alive that is!!! Muahahahaha" and the duke went like "How can he resurrect the unressurrectable Phoenix that always ressurrecting in 4000 years or so? thats amusing princess!! Hahahaha, then let him try doing that and i will give the man my permission for the dragon!! Not sure if the king will give him the permission but, at least he got mine's. Well tell him to do his best at RESURRECTING THE PHOENIX HAHAHAHAAHAHA!!" and when it went smoothly the king and the duke starting suspecting him. And sending their spy to spying on him, and when the spy see the mc they wen't like "Is he crazy? talking to the bones and such?" and then the Phoenix resurrected and laughing. And then the Spy died by a landslide. King and the duke can't help but wait for the invisible report for eternity.. Welp thats why they didn't do anything to MC till now huh..