He removed her "impossible to remove" curse, guaranteed she will stick with him now.Wonder what history Gaile has with the shinigami.
Liznette should stick with Gaile. The prince doesn't care about her. Those wolf pack idiots have been nothing but trouble since minute one. If Liznette wants to live the life she seeks, she should stick with Gaile.
yeah, it feels likeYou have to enjoy these types of series as just slice-of-life because they've lost nearly all tension from how easily MC resolves all situations.
It's funnier because Gale could just as easily kill him but chooses not to because he needs to farm his itemswe all knew this was going to happen, but it's funnier than even the shinigami knows him and it's actually scared of him.
that last part, girl for you getting cursed by the demon heart maybe was the most important in your life, but for me it was tuesday... now give it to me (the materials)