There's a saying that pride comes before the fall, but that dumbass "hero" could stumble to the bottom of the marianna trench and would still be acting like he's top tier. With a leader like that, recovery is impossible, their group is completely boned.
That being said, this is really stretching my capacity to suspend disbelief. What were those four losers doing before meeting their cursificer ? I really don't get the feeling this is a super old group of childhood friends. So, at some point they should have learnt the very basics of their classes/fighting without his ridiculous boosts ?
Finally, I want to thank the mangaka for giving those undead some skirts (sarongs ?). So, they can hide their nasty boners while gangbanging the heroes with their thick bones.
like the other series, the one about the hero and the ex-lover that kicked him
Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down ?