translating without the quotation mark got me "bewildered by the extremes"
which is pretty cool to me, but I guess not really fit to be a title
thanks for the translation
also, if I understand correctly,
に is used for "point destination" or "location of existence",
and to describe "location of action", で is used
so I think "(being) lost at the farthest ends" and "(being) tempted at the farthest end" will be 最果てで惑う in Japanese?
so maybe "the confusion at the farthest end" ?
Bewildered is the literal translation, but IDK if that sounds poetic or funny or "too technical" as title in English - native speaker surely can chip in better than I.
A good alternative is
Definitely not
tempted. Because temptation usually means that something (mis)leading you to do the wrong action.
Confusion rhymes a little bit too well with Concussion, so ...
Just my 2 cents.
Note: IIRC translator hasn't mention this, but the
Shii part of Shiika is the kanji for Oak plant family, often used in
support-related words. Like "vertebratae" or "spine". The Ka is the commonly known flower.
It looks like a deliberate contrast to the dead sister (Yuri) - Oak & Lily. This & the beautiful emotional cover art made me think that the story won't go the
Oldboy route. At least not at this point.