Bruh tell me about it.So she is allowed to try to kill him. But when he about to kill her. He is not allowed because of reasons. 😑
C’mon brother, you and me both know that ain’t the casenow the question is: was this really Ruri or was it a hallucination / illusion by Lilcarla
It was actually her, the "Power of Friendship" cannot be misused at the end of a Shonen the question is: was this really Ruri or was it a hallucination / illusion by Lilcarla
Sparing her means taming her and taming her gets mc all her cool powers and a new waifuWell, he still tore a hole right through her. Guessing at best he might have shifted the angle enough not to insta-kill her? Though why spare her at this point, especially with one chapter left?