Sengoku Komachi Kuroutan: Noukou Giga - Vol. 8 Ch. 36 - Farsight

Feb 1, 2020
If she can figure out how to put a decorticator together, then she can definitely put a steam engine together.
Mining for a shit-ton of coal is quite lethal for the miners though.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Of course everyone is interested on her. For them shes basically a super genious that manages to pull of numerous insane PRACTICAL inventions. Even Nobunaga, despite the issues with the telescope gives her ample time and funds despite her repeated faliures, because shes THAT good delivering results usually
Oct 22, 2018
yey, its back!

lets just hope she doesnt get assasinated for helping the "enemy" Oda to much.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Well, it isnt a surprise that everyone and their mother want a piece of the action happening for Oda.

When Oda talked about the telescope failures... was he implying that if she couldn't do it she would be horrible punished? Because if yes, this is a load of crap, without Shizuko they wouldn't even dream of the idea of such a device, much less the many other things she gave them she is a treasure trove of knowledge and she should be practically untouchable.
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2018
I think it's simply kinoshita
matsunaga hasn't been mentioned yet, and he's usually depicted as an old(er) man. so what would he be doing in Oda lands, when he should be lording somewhere around Kyoto ?

and here he is in the latest raws
Active member
Apr 9, 2018
Thank you so much for the update!!!
Sir, kindly leave Shizuko alone, thanks.

@alacaelum more like people would rather have her working in things that show results than something that ends in failure after failure. At the end it's, show me results after a year or I'll have to stop this project for good.
Mar 7, 2019
@alacaelum I think it's more like "Finish this in a year or I'll cut fund of this project and move it to another, more useful one."
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
I wonder how she will figure out that she need flux for that glass to work


Oct 26, 2019
Whoah their tech just gets better and better. That wood work skill is top notc! I wonder how can they find a glass expert? Maybe from china or something? Lol thanks for the update
Active member
Mar 21, 2020
@AEnigmatrix there is about 0 chance she'd be able to do that without some assistance from a level of future engineer or the like. She sheer mathematics you need to play around with so that live steam doesn't kill you dead is frankly absurd to any single individual.

Again, I need to re-iterate this on steam engines, live steam is INCREDIBLY dangerous and thinking you can make it without incredibly precise machining and mathematics is just settings yourself up to becoming a nice pink mist.
Active member
Jul 18, 2019
I wonder which method the author will go with. Reflecting telescopes could work, but that’s not where the plot is headed towards. Plus, they’re not exactly known for their durability. For the material, resin or gems could be used, but the author seems intent on glassblowing. Given their tech, a multistep process where they try to grind a sphere and turn it into a lens by cutting or melting it would be a lot easier, albeit of of lower quality. Honestly, they already have a lathe, so they could just opt to grind it the entire way. But the author seems to want the glass to be blown, and the specific problem is the clarity of the glass. The only solution I can really think of for that is to toss in some soda and lime to make soda lime glass, or lead oxide to make lead glass. Both are soft and clear, so they could be used to make somewhat workable telescopes
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2020
To those who speculate about too low kiln temperatures: Earthenware and cast iron had been produced for centuries at that time, and they need higher kiln temperatures than glass. But even if the kiln and the raw materials are correct (not saying they are), glass production is hard, and lens production is even harder.
Experimenting by yourself without expert advice is extremely difficult (except in a manga of course). But it is possible to make lenses for hand, including handpolishing to a high standard: Baruch Spinoza (I love his "Ethics") made his living that way since the Dutch Jewish community he was part of threw him out for being a heretic, and attempts were made to kill him. Among Spinoza's customers were the Huygens brothers, well known astronomers, telescope builders etc. To reduce man hours and thereby costs, Christian Huygens made a simple polishing machine in the mid 17th century that should be easier for Shizuku to copy than several of her other constructions so far. Next chapter maybe?

Edited for misspelling Huygens (good thing I looked it up)🕶
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 2, 2018
Who is the Sith lord at the end there?

Thanks for the chapter. This continues to rock hard.

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