Sensitive Boy - Ch. 45 - Complex

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,hey, hey,hey, hey,hey, hey,hey, hey,hey, hey,hey!

He is just a friend of her mom, who just so happens works as a host, and sleeps with her too!
Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2023
yup ntr its begin, prepare the psychology again X( but i think in the end mc not trust woman again
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2018

me, drinking massive quantities of copium rn

surely all of this is just a fakeout, right? right? don't do my boy like this
Jan 28, 2024
Welp let’s see how this arc ends. It better not include her SH’ing in order for him to stay..
Fed-Kun's army
May 30, 2023
Yo? Why am I still reading this? After getting this much hurt in span of 33 chapter... I think I'm a masochist 🤡
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 15, 2023
Woah, let's not jump to conclusions here. Infidelity? Poppycock!

Kanon is a former idol. She is insecure about her appearance and frets over minor blemishes. So it follows that her apartment contains an assortment of high-end cosmetic products that would be the envy of every ikemen.

Who among us has not showered at a hotel with those little bottles of shampoo that you just want to shove in your suitcase and take home with you? A man can search his entire life for the perfect shampoo. Now suppose that this perfect shampoo were only found in Kanon's shower. She knows what she's got. His scalp itches and he begins to panic. He offers her his fancy wristwatch in exchange for this shampoo, but Kanon obstinately declines. Pray tell, what option does this poor ikemen have but to sneak into Kanon's apartment and use her shower while she is asleep?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
The new guy is either family or she's cheating on one of them
I hope that he's just her brother or something
i imagine it'd go either way but personally i'd hesitate to shower at someone else's place even a relative unless i was also sleeping over
Group Leader
Oct 25, 2020
I've said this before, and I'll say it again. The author doesn't know how to auth.

And I'm not even talking about this person who just came out of the shower. Whatever to that. You have the twin brother of the classmate wanting to get plastic surgery just a few days after Izumi first met him. All of this is just coincidentally happening while Izumi is in whatever his relationship is with Kanon, the person coincidentally obsessed with looking cuter.

The problem is that the characters stop being characters. They're tools for the author to push forward a plot that otherwise stalls out or makes no sense.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that "the author doesn't know how to auth" but this manga certainly is this tropey, cheesy and over the top times 100x convenient writing that is fully predictable and formulaic.
Can you say that the author is a bad one or that they don't know what they're doing because of that? Certainly not. It feels done on purpose. Is it lame after 45 chapters and is it a bit too convenient and run-off-the-mill shockfactor? Yeah, it is.

Hard agree. This manga already was incredibly shallow and seemed to be a set rotation of "bad mental -> meet person -> improve -> predictable bad stuff that other person does -> mental spirals -> bad mental -> meet person -> ..." and so forth.
It was the case with both female characters in the first arc and seems to be the case once again.
I really hope that this one concludes in a different way but it seems like this series lives off of the fully predictable shocking ending into the "welp, shit happens, time to move on and improve myself for myself!" message that is oh so relatable to the target audience. Meh

I still enjoy this for what it is, still reading after 45 chapters. But there is 1 or 2 things I personally would change.
I feel like the author uses this pattern of convenient writing to show different perspective on the same issue. Not so much for plot development, but for readers to explore the ideas presented.
Fed-Kun's army
May 28, 2023
Two things bois,
1) Dont be NTR?
2) Dont be his sister plz. dont break ma bois heart anymore.
3) Its NTR isnt it? Well she belongs to the street.
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2023
bit off topic, but after seeing that last panel, i wonder does everyone that plays online games in their own room just... owns a streaming kit these days? I thought we were still in the era of gaming headsets for mics, i never even thought of getting decent USB mic and mic arm prior to streaming.
If we are talking about zoomers, pretty much, yeah.
Aggregator gang
Sep 10, 2018
I can agree to the comments saying that this author is not the best author, but I do like how they are touching issues from a male's perspective and how it opens up conversations.
Izumi is giving off a weird vibe of possessiveness and I dread that it's a potential awakening of an abusive cycle.
I also agree that this arc is kind of meh compared to Kaede's. The twin's complexity about wanting to have plastic surgery was more interesting IMO.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Me watching bro become another black pill member just because he thought she was the one (She was for the streets):

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