Another great chapter! There's so much going on and I love it, this is going to be the start of another fun cathartic arc hopefully.
Kind of wondering if they can clone Pink too. In any case, the Kuroko are part of Pink battalion, right, so they should be aware that the woman Chidori is thinking about there committed suicide... At least some of them.
Noa isn't a JFC, right? So that divine tool is probably inherited from the person she saw in the traumatic flashback... That's my guess at least. My personal tastes make me somehow want to see her get close to D and fight over him with Kanon, or otherwise become a close ally and tease Kanon about about how she feels toward D. (Note: I'm not sure exactly how Kanon feels about him, just trusting and protective and maybe a little possessive at least, maybe more. But she certainly was cute this chapter as a result of that.)