Serious questions about this blow-up (the other thread is eploding too much to be useful)

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Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2018
I mean, I agree that going the legit route would suck ass and be a pretty huge blow for the community (Losing THE adfree, scanlator-focused aggregate). It would probably never happen just because of all of the assorted bullshit that you would need to deal with (egos, desires for special treatment vs other publishers, not losing most of the large library) but it's pretty rad just to think about.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Haven't been around much to see where this all began, but what is the consensus of the users with this whole (honestly immature) drama?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
After a day to consider events, I'm now thinking this might be a good thing for MD in the long run. Drama queens are often the downfall of online communities and MD just lost a bunch of them.

Ill miss reading several of their titles here and I'm no less grateful for the the chapters they posted. Still, had they stayed and made everyone bend to their wishes, things could have turned out worse.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@icantnotthink Ah, and I like your picture btw. Monster girls #1, monsters girl doing casual stuff #1.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2018
Ikr? Already have a bunch of Monster Girl stuff on my read list, including MoGal. Wish there was more out there, that wasn't one-off hentai.
Jan 18, 2018
From what I have seen it is more about behaviour of MD towards them.

MD is running the money campaign.

To be honest MD can’t go legit when a major company is making a move into the market even I have mostly moved over to them. Plus it’s free if you aren’t a heavy reader. I can see it taking over which wouldn’t be too hard for them since it’s like pros vs wannabes.
Dec 12, 2018
Wow this sucks come on why do you have to screw us over the readers. From experience from reading from other sites such as mangahere and mangatown, Mangadex treats you scanlators really good because when i was reading on previous mentioned sites none of you guys were ever credited and i never knew if you guys did the translations or even cared that you guys did it or not all i cared about was reading the next chapter, which imo 90% readers just care for until i discovered managdex. I have to say thank you to mangadex for giving us heaven where we can read our favorite mangas or discover new ones without intrusive ads interupting us evey 2 minutes, man i hate dealing with all these diffrent sites where i cant even get to the manga because i have to close like 5 different popus just to get to chapter 1 of said manga. I didn't start caring about you scanlators till i stared reading iron ladies and other mangas by allenallenallen. I started appreciating you guys because at the end of ironladies allen always had some funny/cool trivia for us the readers. But i am go and try to calm down because im bit irritaed with all this drama because now ima have to go looking for another site just to read a manga you might have translated because you deleted them. I get that you guys need money to do this but i tried going to your sites and they are pretty terible some of them because of intrusive ads slowing my internet down. But im getting tired of rambling if i make mistakes feel free to correct me but give me clear cut evidenece not speculations.

I wish you guys would just stop complaing and just make up because managdex treats waybetter compared to other sited that rip off you scanlations and dont even credit you. At least here on mangadex they have a good structure where i can see who scanlated what chapter, if their is an anime or not, and the publishing status.

Also thank you @RonBWL and @kn1000a for explaing things because i always wondered what happened to some chapters of my favorite manga

At the end of the day pleases comeback and just make up because we the readers feel screwed over because some of us had to import our libary of manga that we are reading from multiple sites to here because we thought that we finally found a place we call home where we can read our favorite mangas in piece with a little bit of translator notes to give us a good laugh at the end of the chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Read your first post.
Woah, that's sad. I guess there's nothing wrong wanting to go legit, but I bet MD's catalog would be extremely limited if they did this, at least in the first years. No more H content, no more of those hidden gems that small groups sometimes find and translate for us. And it would be another subscription service, probably it would become the same mess the streaming service is right now, companies paying for exclusivity deals on their platform.
Well, I guess we have to enjoy MangaDex as it is right now until this happens then.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 21, 2018
Whoever the guilty side may be, involving too much money on passion projects is recipe for disaster. From what I'm seeing, this was everyone's loss, and readers got hit the hardest. I don't know who'll benefit from this in the long run, if at all. Why can't people enjoy their hobbies without expecting payment anymore these days?
Mar 11, 2019
Recent new reader here, tbh what md is doing right now is totally fair. I would not have known about the scanlation sites nor would i have cared to check their site if not for md. I'm just your regular reader who enjoys manga but cant speak any japanese. And i have no plans on waiting for official translation to pay for all the mangas i would read. That would cost a fortune. So im very thankful for the mooching i can do for weekly and monthly mangas and manwhas right now. Doesn't mean that i wont pay ex. Webtoon where i pay to read by chapter for a reasonable price. So md going legit wouldn't be a bad idea for me too As i did with Crunchyroll. So i dont rly see the point of pulling out of MD as an economic move to earn anything for scanlation sites, if i find your mangas in kissmanga, mangafox etc i wouldnt give a fuck about your site. I have all the manga i want in one place. I never did that in over 10 years of me reading mangas online since pre Shippuden days on a random site. Didnt check any scanlation site until i got here due to the release delay. Also to pitch in on who post first. As a regular reader who dont rly care as long as i get to read the manga i want, idc who post it as long as its there. Beggars cant be choosers. I read what i can get. Thankfully now i know some scanlation site for specific manga and manwha that i read now that i can follow them but that is thanks to md. So from a regular reader perspective i rly don't care where i read and am fairly sure most dont rly as long as we get to read them with ease in one place. So this drama is really unnecessary. The readers at most dont rly care much as long as they get to read mangas easily. Excuse the typos and english.
Nov 14, 2018
i just want to see kaguya translated from doki fansub, just to see how everything burn.
Mar 31, 2019
Ah, well, I'll be doing what I can to read some recent series that I've really been enjoying
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 24, 2018
The sad part about this is that the scantalators are only hurting themselves and the readers through this. The only reason I ever made a trip to a scantalator's site was because they had a bit of a delay on a chapter that I was dying to read. As far as I am aware, Mangadex is the only site that let's them do that. It seemed like a pretty nice arrangement to me, all things considered. They won't get more site views like this, since most readers aren't likely to jump ship from MD, and, at least speaking from personal experience, are more likely to just forget about the scantalators than become regular viewers on their site.

It's sad for me, because I rather liked a lot of the scantalation teams that pulled out. They had good translations and consistent (relatively anyways) uploads, and were working on some damn good series. I didn't even mind the long delays, because it was easy enough to just go check it out on their site if I was dying from anticipation, and I had no problems waiting if I wasn't. Hell, some series benefit from having spread out releases. Honestly I'm hoping they come back, but frankly the onus is on them at this point. I don't think mangadex needs to change. The community, in all my experiences at least, is as good as you are likely to get on the internet, and it's definitely the most scantalator friendly site I've found.
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