Serious questions about this blow-up (the other thread is eploding too much to be useful)

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Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018

To my understanding nobody really say 'going legit' from scanlator side. And the one who said that, Holo, appears just kidding/sarcastic when saying that, knowing that just a pipe dream.

I foresee people will take Meraki's projects soon, seeing how often they get sniped before.
And for some major title like Kaguya-sama, someone will pick them up soon. But other more niche/leess known series... that might be take awhile until someone take it, if any.
Jan 29, 2019
welp, at least Mangastream ( is way faster with the release of a couple of the more popular shounen stuff, like One Piece, Boruto, Black Clover... If you don´t want to give JB traffic for whatever reason, I´d recommend going there. They´re also two chapters ahead of JB. Enjoy the read
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
The cry baby self entitled person are back talking shit on scans again. Talking about DMing him when the only thing he can say to DM are FOUL words. He can't even discuss properly on DM yet wanted to talk a lot on thread coz he knows someone can back him up. Saying something funny about those people who suggested that this thread should be lock when suggesting it wasn't bad to do and can help shut this discussion. *deeeeeeep sigh*

Back to work.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
you know, regardless of the morality of the situation for all parties, this whole thing really opened my eyes to how entitled the manga community is. complaining about donations, slow releases, and being appalled at the idea of the (very very unlikely) thought of having to pay for Mangadex.

I've seen a lot of drama over in the game modding community but this place is on a whole other level. At least when the whole "paid mods" thing for Steam had its controversy years ago, it still seemed like the consumers appreciated the modders, even the ones who were onboard. Here I feel like many people here see the people giving translations to otherwise unavailable manga a lot of undue shit. It's disgusting honestly that they can claim to want to support the Japanese artists who make the manga (but most don't anyway) for not their language but not just be apathetic towards, but antagonize those who help make it in their language. I'm not going to say everyone does this (not even close, 1% rule of the internet says there's 100 people unaware who don't give enough of a crap to comment), but clearly a certain portion of this community needs a reality check.

TLDR; I have no dog in the sides (and full disclosure, I donate to both MD and some scan groups), but some of the entitled comments I've seen in the past few days need to die in a ditch and learn some perspective.

PS: I'm not defending blackhat scan groups thst just take official translations. But peopel need to realize that that's 1 or 2 groups out of dozens. I pretty much only support groups who translate otherwise untranslated stuff, and AFAIK none of them are involved here.
Apr 1, 2018
I think this whole thing is really funny.. i wonder if these teams are actually in the believe that this will make more people visit their sites which would get them more money.. i for example will just follow all of the series i read that these teams scanlate on some other site that doesnt give them credit at all lol
Jan 31, 2018
@raze2012 Yeah, I agree with you. I think this whole drama is dumb, and I don't believe the original thread's accusations, but there certainly is an air of entitlement that permeates throughout the community.
Active member
Jun 10, 2018
Jesus can't people just translate for the heck of it? everything has to be connected to e-begging these days (tfw you think you're going to read a tl note but its just muh sick mum give me money). /a/ does it for free, fuck people who think pirating is a dayjob
Active member
Dec 20, 2018
even if MD manage to be Legit, another MD will be born anew. just like how batoto close and md manage to be big.
just like how fakku then, and how people enjoy nhent*i now.
tl teams might have their reasons, but i don't think many people would go to 20 different scanlation site to read 20 different mangas because of this, in fact, majority will go to 1 site where all those manga exist, and yes, to an aggregate site where the manga available for them.
Feb 6, 2019
A Dumb Manga Reader here!
does anyone has a list of all the manga that won't be getting translated here anymore?
or is the number Scanlation groups leaving MD still going on?
Feb 6, 2018
@dend08 the problem isnt the rise to a new MD, its the fact that scan groups are being used as stepping stone into making MD a proper business like crunchy that will eventually generate 6 figure sums
Active member
Dec 20, 2018
@Morpheus but they're apparently very open about that stuff since day 1 and they talk about how small of a chance that is, so, why onboard with it from the very start? shouldn't they consider to pull out from the moment they realized of that plan instead of backing out en mass like this?
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012

In the 0.00000001% chance that it happens, publishers get paid for their licenses, scanlators get paid for working on titles legally. I fail to see the controversy here.
Jun 2, 2018
@dend08 the timing seems to be more convenient for them now. Doesn't seem like that's their real reason imo.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
Translating, cleaning and typesetting is still quite a time and labor investment.

Personally as long as the scanlation group didn't get too obnoxious in their begging (which apparently not the case for some groups here), they have some right to ask for donation as token appreciation from their readers, especially if it help them working fast and regularly (your mileage may vary here).
Feb 6, 2018
@dend08 Ive been around for quite a while, this was news to me. Same applies for other leaders.

@Holo I personally dont think its that hard to break into the legal world once you have the sheer size of an audience that you do, its more so about WHEN this will take place. I dont really have anything against MD nor care about any of the drama, the only thing that alerted me was MD's plan for going legal. That 0.00000001% is still a chance, meaning you still want to someday, hence proving my point that you would be using the groups as a stepping stone, no?
Active member
Dec 20, 2018
@darasu and that's the only conclusion i have as well, it doesn't seem to be their main reason for pulling out. but somehow, that's the biggest stuff people talk about for a few days now.

@Morpheus i am not gonna blame you or anything if it's something new. then again.
i still find it hard to believe since the screenshot about taking on legal stuff is from year ago (by holo word)
so either you or md mods is lying or keeping things that majority of casual reader unaware of. but i still find this whole drama as lose lose situation anyway.
i have no problem with tl having patreon btw, it's tl choice to do so, who am i an internet dweller to to object to it?
Feb 6, 2018
@dend08 im as unaware of the situation as you are lmao, I became aware of all this when I saw the forum post, thats why i asked the MD team to clarify, is it their goal to go legal? if so please tell that to all groups rather than curving or not directly answering the q.
Oct 29, 2018
To the admins a few question, other groups can take the proyects of series of the groups who leave and start to update whitout problem in the website?
Couse thats gonna happen and the ones who leave could start to cry asking to take down the chps couse they re working on then but they dont publish here like champion scans used to do in the past (who dont update proyects for months until someone take it )
And for the other guys they complain a lot about the website but here they can decide the delay time 1 days or 13 days in other cases, and in other websites like kissmanga and mangakakalot they update the chps at a few hours from the releases on webpages and they dont care a sh..... about the scangroup think like happen whit ninjascans (they update chps at a few hours of release in their website).
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012

I don't think your characterisation of us "using groups" is fair - "working with groups" is more accurate.

In any case, basing this argument on what is essentially a "going legit meme" that's often joked about on discord is silly.

I also think about going to the Moon occasionally - are we not allowed to think about highly improbably events?


Any group can take any title and work on it. Groups do not own the rights to their titles, regardless of whether they upload to MD or not. One of the principles of the site is that all groups get equal treatment.
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