Shaba no "Futsuu" wa Muzukashii - Ch. 1.2 - "Normal" Tea Server 2

Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2019
So... You were saying that the 6 people who freed them self in the Ch. 1.1 didn't go out and just stay at the Walter Prison to live how ever they like??? How???
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
I don't think nobles would actually like their servants bringing a cow to milk it in front of them, or any of the subsequent stuff lol
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
@anzuda From what I understand so far, what happened is that they took over the prison, but no one on the outside realizes that. In this way, rather than escape and live like fugitives for the rest of their lives running from the kingdom, they get to live comfortably inside the prison with the warden as their powerless puppet getting them everything they need to live in luxury, with no one outside having any idea that the prison is no longer serving its intended purpose.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2019
@Terithian Aaah... That made a lot more sense. I always thought that they kill their way out. If so, why no one seems to know about it. Even if they stay in the prison, how could they move freely? Especially since Elma works in the palace, someone at least should know who she is. I always feel that the kingdom knows about it but decide to leave it be, giving the 6 of them a semi autonomy. But if so, why would they let Elma, of the 7, to go out? and the consort also doesn't seems to know who she is... It just feels weird... Like some sort of plot are missing.
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
@anzuda They can move freely because they've taken over the prison. The warden is shown as becoming their slave at the beginning of chapter 1, so all the guards probably are too. The warden keeps up the illusion for them that the prison is still operating as intended. They let Elma out because they knew her mother was pregnant when she was incarcerated, so there are probably records of that. When the old king died, they went through the records and realized there was an innocent child imprisoned there and gave her a pardon. They would then just send word to the warden that she should be sent to them to deal with, I suppose (leading to the scene of them meeting her in chapter 1.2). Also, there's no reason the royal consort would know who she is, since Elma was born in prison. No one has ever seen her before this, and her son was the one involved in pardoning her. Some of this is just inference from what has been shown so far though. Since there are only 3 chapters so far, I assume there will be more info eventually.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2019
@Terithian Ah, right... I guess i was having a tunnel vision there. I probably shoudn't focus on my assumtion that the 6 of them kill all the prison guard and warden... My short memory...

Anyway, Thanks for explaining it again to me. I could have reread the whole thing but i don't feel the need for it since i thought what i remember was right.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
Tea scene and immediate aftermath was just a series of cheap shots really, but the compound effect cracked me up XD
Aug 28, 2020
So is the world where her parents live today is based on something bound by sins? And the outside world where Elma was taken to is unbound by those sins? Kinda like she was trained to live on hard mode and now everyone recgonizes her opness. Interesting manga
Aug 5, 2019
@Neeee you dont have to Pasteurize Milk if you are imidiatly consuming it, Especialy if the Feed, the health of the Cow, the way you milk the cow, etc are taken into account. While today in many Countries its illegal, or heavly restricted to sell Rawmilk for direct consumption(as it is possible to get sick from it), its not weird for her, in this setting, to not pasteurize the milk
Aug 5, 2019
if "directly from the teats" you mean you milk them while you have your mouth open underneath it? then yes theoreticaly. If you mean to suck at them to milk them.. thats.. ill advised..(i have to specifiy booth variations, this is the internet afterall)

but YES theoreticaly you can drink milk straight from the teats, and if the cow is healthy, it was properly milked, and the feed was good there is a decent chance you wont get sick of it. HOWEVER its as i said still ill advised as raw milk can have some SERIOS pathogens attached to it like tubercolosis.

Infact, a good ammount of cheese is made from raw milk(thus unpastorized milk) like aged gouda, (altough in that case aging kills of most of the pathogens instead)

One saving grace here is that she poors it into a freshly made cup of tea, assuming she boiled the water freshly, and let it sit for a minute (technicaly 15 seconds, but the milk must get warm as well so say a minute) WITH the milk in it, the milk is effectivly pasteurized(yes pasteurizing only takes around 15 at relativly low temperatures(iirc standard cow milk is pasteurized at around 70°C, in the EU its also allowed to treat milk to above 50C and call it "heat treated" which is basicly identicaly to pasteurized in all but name) the bigger problem is that i did not saw her filter the milk, as raw milk contains certain parts that are rather unwanted in milk used in tea from what i remember

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