@comeonnow0 If you could admit error so well, other than an obvious typo, you would have conceded your arguments have no substance by now. The only time you will admit error is when you think you can dismiss your error as being of no consequence. Any time there is consequence to your error, you would rather double down that admit it.
You didn't directly answer the question. You didn't state how she would improve by being turned down, you just said that rewarding somebody for anything less than perfect execution is enabling. I already pointed out how foolish that assertion was. You have not demonstrated how it would be better, you just continue to shout "ENABLING" without knowing what it really means. If there is correction of the bad behavior, which military training would provide, then it is not rewarding that bad behavior. You also didn't respond to exactly what "bad behavior" you meant. Another direct question.
The only "evidence" is your own statement that "I don't like Tina, I just want her out of the story." As I said, a person being accused of theft saying they didn't steal isn't "evidence" they didn't steal. There has been no other "evidence" to contradict it.
Yes, I do know what reasonability is. I also know what "shifting the goalposts" is. Which is what you are doing here. Your previous statements are: "Fine, not a lot of people agreeing or disagreeing. It still shows at least some amount of reasonability. Reasonability is literally just seeing reason in another person's position. Yes, it's not a lot of people, but it still is some amount of evidence of reasonability." As such, I don't need to show more people that talk about a conspiracy theory agree with it than disagree with it for it to be considered reasonable by your standard. All of them have more than 4 people agreeing about them. By your standard, that makes ALL of them reasonable. The fact that you try to say "majority matters" is also a lie. If two more people came on here and said: "I think comeonnow0 is wrong" would you then say: "My stances are no longer reasonable, because I'm outnumbered 5 to 4."? Of course you wouldn't, so stop lying and deflecting.
Reasonability relies on defensibility, and you have long since stopped bothering to defend your points, and instead decided to use personal attacks. By the way, in debate, that is considered the sign of a weak argument, especially when you only do personal attacks.
You are the first person that made a statement, I replied, but you have made more posts than I have, so if our discussion is bothersome to others, that would make you the "loud person" not me. Also, normally it is the person only calling the other names that is considered the rude one. (Not to mention, you were the only one called out by name by somebody outside the discussion for a long post, which again makes you the "loud person".) But, you didn't "call me out" out of concern for others, but to try to manipulate me into not replying by portraying any response of mine as rude, but your responses as noble. But you've also shown that you consider somebody not replying to you to be a concession that you are right, and they are wrong, so you really just want me to not reply so you can claim "VICTORY!!!!"
Also, you are correct that I consider it full vindication of my statement that: "Also, a person not replying to you doesn't mean that you were right and they were wrong. They might see it as not necessary for them to reply, too, since I already am replying. I see the logical assumption being that they still hold their stance, but don't deem it worth more than one reply. The fact that you invent a concession on their part to fit your narrative is ridiculous. The logical outcome would be that a person is more likely to continue holding the stance they did before, whether or not they reply, than to change it based on one person's comments."
It does mean that your assertion: "The logical conclusion is that that they had nothing to respond with. That would suggest that unlike you, they accepted that my point was valid. Unlike you, they accepted being wrong." Was completely baseless and wrong. You failed at logic, and I succeeded.
"Don't be selfish" when what you really mean is: "Don't reply so I can say I won." If you didn't keep responding to me, I wouldn't keep posting on my own, so if your goal is for me not to post, you can accomplish that. Your goal is to say that you won because I "had nothing to respond with... [and] accepted being wrong."