Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 32 Ch. 129 - Nostalgia

Active member
Feb 5, 2018
I get the increasingly bad feeling that either the author is trying to convey a narrative that there are no heroes in any side of a war ( or that both sides are chock full of heroes, that in the end ammounts to the same ) and failing ( IMHO atleast, I can't shake the feeing Eren has gone full emo for no particular reason besides making the hero act as villain for shock value ) or that it had no real plans for the narrative beyond when they finally got to the sea dozens of chapters and a couple of years ago in narrative ... and decided to coast along.

Not sure which one would be worse TBH.
Mar 2, 2020
Ok, so my expectations dropped a lot those past few chapters, but the plot armor is just stupid at this point. I couldn't care less about Shadis (like yeah he was there, he did that but him dying really had no impact on me what so ever). Magath's death was meh, since I wasn't attached to him either, but him dying really sealed the fate of the "alliance" in my eyes. Most of the islanders support Eren (which is natural he and Floch are the only ones making sure Paradis doesn't get fucking destroyed by the enemy nations who not only desire the extermination of the eldians but the ability to mine the island as well), the other nations might've been a bit ok with the "alliance" if Magath was alive since he could somewhat take their side, but now that he is gone, only Hizuru remains and they will also be pretty much targetted as well if the rumbling fails, and given the fact that the coastal provinces are already wrecked you know there will be retaliation in case Eren looses. So, for me at least, at this very moment there are only 2 endings I see as realistic:
1. Eren wins and wipes out literally all of humanity outside the walls and secures a future for Paradis and its people at huge cost in lives
2. The power of friendship literally stops the Armageddon and the alliance along side ALL the eldians get wiped out by the world to assure there won't ever be something as this ever again
3*.(Isayama might also come in last minute and be like "hold on look Eren somehow stopped eldians from being capable of transforming via paths" so now everyone can hug each other yay. But it would feel stupid and I don't think he would do it, especially in a series as SnK since it would be just an ass pull at this point in time, not to mention how unrealistic it would be).

I want to see Eren's and Historia's POV and be done with this manga already... Isayama is clearly rushing it and it shows in the pacing, writing and overall direction the story is heading in. If Floch lives until the end it would be hilarious knowing that 70% of the audience dislikes him because he goes against the alliance and actually manages to live a long life after all of his near death experiences in this story, but I also doubt Isayama would let him off, I don't think he would have the balls for that.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2018
Nice to see fellow "Eren isn't the villain" posts. At worst he's an extremist with a big ****ing weapon. The world wants his people (his friends) dead for some historical douchebag/s' actions? Well if you want to live by the sword...
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2018
So basically all the known eldian (alive) side characters are trying to help the enemy kill the one and only person who can save them from the fate they had being stuck on a tiny island with everyone wanting to kill them. Wtf.
Active member
Mar 26, 2018
Eren and Samuel Hayden would get along great.
"I am not the villain in this story. I do what I do because there is no choice."

EDIT: That said, the Cringevengers and the UAC are both going for a "time to sell our souls for our perceived moral high ground"
Aug 29, 2018
Sometimes you got a good ending, sometimes you got a bad one, hope AoT wont go to GoT path.
Dec 24, 2018
Nah Eren's gonna pull a Lelouch and fucking die
>hurr it was the plan all along, now unite yourselves and kill me
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018

> Eren has gone full emo for no particular reason besides making the hero act as villain for shock value
> Eren has gone full emo
> for no particular reason

Lol what ? You might want to re-read this. They made it pretty clear that it's a kill or be killed situation.
They could've tried to just wave the rumbling as a threat, and call it a day, but they've made quite clear, and literally stated at the beginning of the arc that we're nearing the end of the era where titans are all powerful weapons. And people were already pretty ready to kill them, because their existence alone represent a threat.
So what's emo about wanting to protect your home, friends and family ? lmao

If anything, half the fanbase still call Eren the hero.
Aggregator gang
Jan 27, 2019
Dude, Gaby is a heavy plot armor at this point. I really hope someone takes care of her already.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2018
Eren remains the hero.

Everyone choosing to cause an entire people to vanish in suffering and violence, after being confined in bloodshed while the others oppress and plot to exploit them... they are the evil ones. The Paradisians were a peaceful minority, had no knowledge of the outside world, or designs on it, plans to do anything. The rest of the world was wanting to murder them for their resources, seeing them just as a speedbump in the way to riches.

The only other Eldians have been brainwashed and suffer from Stockholm's Syndrome, practically Jewish attack dogs being forced to hate and kill their own kind by Nazis, in the vague hope they'll one day be treated better by their masters - when they could have just escaped to Paradis Island themselves and lived with their own people. The world is at fault. The governments and the people supporting them. It comes down to The World OR Paradis Island. Why would the latter, who've been victims this whole time, choose the world that's been so devious and vile, arrogant and espousing racial supremacy? Why would they be willing to die for the aggressors?

It doesn't matter if the whole world decides something right is something wrong. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and say,

"No, you move." Thanks, Cap.
Dex-chan lover
May 4, 2019
yooooo itll be crazy if eren actually went the Lelouch route tho I doubt it

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