Why should I have to? When you talk to people, do you not make the discussion personal to them? The thought of a threat didn't even cross my mind because no reasonable Human being sees that as a threat of violence. So what is there to even mitigate? Hell, the way the forum bans work, you don't even find out what you did "wrong" until long after you're reinstated... if you also happen to be curious enough to pour through your post history. Because the mods don't actually even tell you what the problem is, or invite questions.
The detail was the exact point of the situation. The whole discussion was about how we don't know that FMC is a slut who blew a guy despite the fact that every line in the entire story is literally, explicitly, and specifically painting her as a slut that gets called by a gang of men REGULARLY to engage in gangbangs. In the chapter we were on specifically, the entire thing was made to fill in the blowjob-shaped hole in time that the author had left in the story in the most graphic detail she possibly could. There is literally no doubt what happened in there from the (Unbelievably) graphic context surrounding it in the main story (There were even the equivalent fluids, like in my analogy).
Doing anything less than giving you a scenario as clear, graphic, and straightforward as I did would defeat the purpose of using it to point out that even absent this chapter clearly showing everything that went on, we had the smoking gun to know what went on.