Skip Beat! - Vol. 46 Ch. 282 - A Fallen Apple

Feb 15, 2018
I imagined that something like this would happen, because there are many details left by the author that made me feel this arch will lengthen, Ren will probably do a job outside the country (because Lory asks Uncle Tiger to take care of him), just like Kotonami will do a film in the USA, Sho traveled abroad, but one hour he comes back, there is this Cedric guy who will probably end up getting interested in Kyoko, if they had the trouble to introduce him. Ren resolved himself in a way with Kuon, but as long as he doesn't tell Kyoko about, to me, nothing is really resolved, and his family that he has to go see them, same thing to Kyoko with Boh and her hatred for Shoutaro. Kyoko has her new role as Ninja to focus on, along with a senpai who hates Ren and will be tormenting her on the set, and if Ren go abroad, probably Yashiro will stay in Japan since he is advising Kyoko too now, so he will have to deal with new challenges in a new environment with people he doesn't know. Besides, the BJ Film of the Heel sisters 'arc didn't come out, and we don't know how the audience will react to Ren's character, or even, the Heel brothers' relationship if they make it public, which was Ren and Kyoko who made. But now that they know they like each other, things "will not change" but they will have another meaning, Ren will not call Kyoko because he is the senpai worried about her, he will call because he wants to talk to the person he loves, they'll probably start exchanging a lot of messages together, maybe Kyoko will be unable to sleep at Ren's house like she has done before because now she knows what he feels, she sure will give him something on Valentine day /Birthday as She already did, but it will be a different feeling, maybe even they choose to spend these dates together, why not. They've hugged each other before, they've gone hand in hand before, he slept on her lap before, all of that can happen again, I don't know. Sex I doubt, but I do not doubt a kiss, at least. So even though they're not dating, I'm looking forward to the fanservice XD. My dream is to see Ren introducing Kyouko as his girlfriend to his parents, and Kuu calling her a daughter in both ways.
Active member
Aug 20, 2019
i started genuinely crying i've been waiting for this for a decade?/ they're finally acknowledging their feelings for each other and UGH THE PROMISE NECKLACE but also their career goals come first and thats so respectable im not even mad A A A Aaa a aa 😭😭
Apr 10, 2019
A decade of skip beat, all for this moment. Now it all comes up to what happens next. Please be more than a kiss and hug.
Dec 16, 2019
Omg they’re both so mature! I love that they’ve talked it out, assured each other of their feelings and have decided to wait until they’ve reached their dreams! So realistic and so unexpected for a shoujo series! Even though I waited for a hundred years for this moment I’m still glad they’re not going to jump right into their relationship...😭❤️ it’s going to taste so much sweeter in the end when they finally do! (But please don’t make me wait too long for it again lmao)
Apr 9, 2020
Stupid couple, it was almost 100 chapters since both realized that they like the other... Oh well now at least there will be fewer of those imaginary obstacles between them...
Jan 12, 2020
I'm quite happy with this development. It would have been too sudden and ooc if they jumped straight into a relationship. This feels very much like them. Now that their feelings are out in the open there at least won't be as many misunderstandings and insecurities between them. Honestly, it feels like a weight has been lifted off of both of them. Nakamura-sensei really outdid herself.

Thanks for the update!
Aggregator gang
Mar 8, 2018
I really want to see his reaction when he find out she is Boh.
Feb 1, 2020
Dex-chan lover
Oct 19, 2019
Brahhh, if love is a distraction and not motivation towards your goal....then don't love at all.
Nov 5, 2019
My heart literally contradicting at the moment, whether I should be angry, sad, or proud for them. I'm confused
Aggregator gang
Sep 23, 2018
He gave her his necklace!!! 😍 It wasn't the development we were all hoping for, but that romantic gesture and this straightforward conversation was enough to bring me immense joy. I'm satisfied with this!
Kyoko has a point. If they started dating, I don't know how she would focus on acting haha. So I'm happy they are both going to continue following their dream first. That's why I thought the necklace was such a beautiful gesture! But also? Isn't that risky?? He wears that all the time.... People are bound to notice..... But oh well. I'm on cloud 9 at the moment, so who cares about petty details??
Apr 1, 2019
I've been reading this story since I was finishing elementary and now I'm in college. I knew they weren't gonna get together yet coz there's still so many loose ends in the story but damn it really is gonna take a couple more years til we get anywhere near the happy ending lol
Nov 4, 2019
This is a great way for their relationship to develop. It would have been weird if they changed all of a sudden for the relationship. This is the type of conversation they needed to have and it feels so real. And I'm crying for it. god do I love them.
May 3, 2019
This is amazing!! Although it's not how I imagined it to go, it's definitely so much better. This type of relationship is perfect for them. I'm looking forward to their future together.

Thank you for the update!!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
IIRC I've been reading this one all my adult life, when is the author actually planning to finish it? 😅
Mar 11, 2018
@ShaiHH I feel the same lol. After so many years, they've finally confessed. Wow. I'm actually shocked it happened hahaha.

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