Slave of Black Knight

Apr 21, 2020
I see potential, haven't read any other manga with this type of beginning, hoping it's gonna be good lol, and not like other generic trashy power fantasy mangas
Sep 11, 2020
this just makes no fucking sense its cringe and the cover 's art is totally different like the mc 's face looks like a rotten bean
Sep 11, 2020
i mean you have to pay gold to get a 'prisoner' out when you have all dthe documents that are proof that he isnt a criminal and they would get accepted,which is the reason why you can get him out,the shitty captain is using violence on his subordinates and treating them like shit but nooo no one can say anything to him and you wont file him and literally put him to death sentence cuz y know i just wanted to get the ugly mc out yeah bitch lets lose gold who cares about the others sugarcoat the mc and say they will have better lives now
Feb 1, 2020
if he's strong and there's nothing stopping him like slave collar why wont he kill the commander like he's super op but smol ball
May 18, 2019
Blah blah blah self insert power fantasy for Japanese salarymen yet again,the obvious parallels are the ''black'' knight order and ''white'' adventurer's guild,somehow this protag conforms to society and submissively does his work without ever realizing how stupid op he is from birth.How the hell did this ever get a manga adapation and why do people seem to think trash like this has the slightest bit of potential?
Mar 18, 2019
The art on the cover is nothing like the art inside XD

Has a decent premise, so it'll be interesting to see where it goes.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
This artist really sucks at drawing faces in profile lol. Adds like 10 pounds to their chins. Also, I wish they kept his original hairstyle, now he looks like a generic MC.
Feb 7, 2018
”The characters on the cover look different”
That's because the that's the LN cover. has the raws and comic version cover.

TL isn't great. Some examples:
First of all, first page: "お主" is not "lord". It's an archaic form of "you", with a casual/rude tone similar to "おまえ/omae". Lif/Rif is probably a loli-BBA, based on her pronoun choices, lol.

Ch 1 pg 4, TL cleverly makes a title drop and refers to the order as the "Black knights", instead of "First knight order" as in the raws. Unfortunately, the "black" in the title probably comes from "black companies" i.e. companies that treat their employees like dirt, and the furigana only gives the standard reading- there is nothing in the raws to suggest that "Black knights" is an in-universe nickname- thus the title drop is inappropriate and not very clever after all.

Chapter 1, pg 7, panel 1 was translated as: "Even with 10 of Rande-sama's ladies bundled together... they are no match"
The original : "ランデ様のお嬢さんで 数十人が束になっても敵わないそうよ" is not a a comparison of Shiira/Sheila to other women, but a statement about her martial prowess.
"ランデ様のお嬢さん" refers to Sheila- "Lord Rand's young princess/lady", or slightly more loosely "precious" or "prided" daughter. This is separate from the next clause, "数十人が束になっても敵わないそうよ", which is "It seems that a dozen people attacking at once were no match".
Putting that together, it should be "Seems like a few dozen men were no match for Lord Rand's prided daughter". Or alternatively, "Seems like Lord Rand's prided daughter is a match for more than a few dozen men".

pg 22, panel 3. Context makes it clear Zeed is saying that he himself hasn't slept, and is not referring to Rand. Raws back this.

pg 26, panel 3. Sheila is saying that on returning to the barracks, Rand will probably be drinking himself under until morning, not that he'll be "drunk and useless by morning". A small but important difference in nuance. TL gave a stock translation for "よろしくお願いいたします" with "I'll look forward to be working with you", missing the crucial "お仕事を よろしくお願いいたします", which clearly makes it "please take care of the tasks/work" entirely.

Chapter 2 pg 10, panel 4 is completely screwed up. The original is "繊細な奴 は 精神やっちゃて もう目の焦点..."
broken up, this is "the sensitive guys", "minds breaking down" and "(can't) focus their eyes anymore".
Put it together, and it's "the sensitive guys are breaking down and can't focus their eyes anym-", and not "everyone is focusing on the guys breaking down".

Feels like TL is translating solely by kanji and ignoring almost everything else. Please translate what's actually there, not what you think is there.
Aug 17, 2020
Between the Light Novel and the Manga's design, I vastly prefer the manga's. Especially Geed's design. Guy actually looks like some one who been overworked to the point he can barely take care of himself and it shows on his face. Geed on the LN cover while more conventionally pretty also comes off as more generic for it.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
A japanese overworking salaryman enslaved to his paycheck but in a fantasy setting without any isekai involvement (The MC even has black hair to further resemble japanese).

Story is just plain stupid as the mc is just being a battle slave for no reason and he doesn't even understand that. Overworked to the point that his brain stopped functioning, or it didn't work in the first place like all the idiotic salarymans that work overtime without additional payment or care for their health.

The art is... unique, if not amateurish.

It's a fucking harem. Ofc because you just gotta catch'em all.

3/10 it should never leave japan
Nov 19, 2020
He looks amazing, he looks aged and beyond his years. But still savage enough to annihilate fools.

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