translating this from being already translated from English is just... dumb
I don't know korean, I only know Indonesia (being my native lang.) and English. That's why...
Be warned. You are going to miss a lot, I mean A LOT of contextual reference
Yes, most likely. Until I got korean translator, this will be tough.
If I miss something tho, you readers can comment to correct me, and I will correct the chapter.
Maybe some of you have read the chapter on other site and kind enough to correct me, please do so. As I won't read on other site to avoid my TL being too similar.
@Retard_ (please other readers, don't judge them based on their name)
Sorry for the joke.
Thanks for the correction. This is my first time TL-ing AND I'm not translating from the raws, but from another group with different language. I just translate what's in their TL.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
and thanks very much for the correction.