My choice of the day this time is inspired by the worldwide racism debate. Thus I want to give one example of historical intercultural musical exchange. "Cumbées", composed by 17th/18th century Mexican Santiago de Murcia, is undeniably influenced by the music of the African slaves in colonial Spanish Mexico. Though undeniably an act of cultural appropriation I rather would like to believe in equal cultural exchange, though it was likely not improving the situation of the Africans in the New World. Though I don't believe that the lyrics ("El Cumbe... Paracumbe... Zarambe...") have any deeper meaning and were rather written to sound "African", I am not proficient in any of the West African languages the earfy Afro-Mexicans have spoken and thus cannot rule out the possibility that they are indeed (then likely corrupted) words with meaning. What I can tell you, however, is that "Cumbées" here is performed by The Harp Consort under Andrew Lawrence-King.
Classical music ahead!
Era: Baroque