Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 12 Ch. 94

Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
Keeping the relationship from developing for the sake of not wanting a resolution to that until some groundbreaking plot moment is essentially admitting that it's a romance-focused story. If it isn't that important, it shouldn't be treated as that important, but it is. That's where the argument that this isn't about the romance falls apart.

Not necessarily. There's this idea that's been in writers' heads for years that romance stories built on "will they or won't they?" drama and the ever looming threat of a confession and start of a relationship are doomed to fall apart when you actually put the characters together. Whether it's because they believe that the audience is geared in for the tension of the wait for consummation of the relationship (either in the physical or mental sense of the word) and that resolving that tension will deflate said audience like a balloon sadly losing all its air, or some Joss Whedon-esque "happy people are boring" mantra that believes the audience can only be engaged by maximum drama, or just the scads of stories where the focus is on the chase and the confession/coupling are the climactic or ending action of the plot, writers have been conditioned to treat relationships as end goals in storytelling, not signposts along the way.

TVTropes I believe officially labels the trope as "shipping bed death", though it's also been called "Moonlighting Syndrome" after the 1980s TV show starring Bruce Willis that was long said to exemplify the trope (even though in actuality Moonlighting put its two leads together after 3 seasons of teasing as a desperate ploy to get viewers back, and the show's eventual cancellation was as much about already flagging ratings, Willis' outgrowing TV after being cast in Die Hard, and the ironic fact that the two lead actors whose characters' chemistry carried the trope actually hated each other in real life)

I would argue that this condition doesn't require the story to be romance-focused, just that the romance is important to some degree. In this series it is important, though I would argue it's not as important as it once was. And it just as easily feels like keeping them apart is as much about "that's how these stories go" as it is "we have to wait because the story hinges on this romantic development."

An example I tend to use of why this is pointless is Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa/Actually, I am.../My Monster Secret. (spoilers for the series follow for anyone who hasn't read it, though at this point I'd wonder why anyone interested in the genre and not averse to the series' fantasy/sci-fi elements wouldn't have)

It begins essentially as a romance-focused story (albeit as a full blown comedy rather than anything seriously dramatic) and while eventually the story of protecting various characters' secrets or unraveling mysteries that some are reluctant to delve into becomes the driving force of the story, the romance between Asahi and Youko is still fairly important the whole way through. And yet the author decided about halfway through the series, to put the two of them together. And lo and behold it opens up a whole new wealth of storytelling options because now it's not just about two dense idiots admitting they like each other, but two dense idiots figuring out how to navigate a relationship. The story was better for not having to constantly dance around each others' feelings for like 25 volumes or however many were released. And that's what I think they could do here. Get to the bloody point already, stop dragging your feet, and let the two of them be a couple while also doing all the cosplay stuff.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
There's this idea that's been in writers' heads for years that romance stories built on "will they or won't they?"

I would argue that this condition doesn't require the story to be romance-focused, just that the romance is important to some degree. [...] And it just as easily feels like keeping them apart is as much about "that's how these stories go" as it is "we have to wait because the story hinges on this romantic development."
I don't think there's a huge difference between saying "romance-focused" and where romance is important. There's no notable difference in how I used the terms.

But that's my point. A large part of the arguments on these forums against people who want romance is that the series "isn't about romance; it's about the cosplay and character development". That argument doesn't hold up if the author thinks "that's how these stories go" or that romance is so important it has to be delayed.

If the author treats romance as an important part of the series, it is an important part of the series, and that's what's happening.

It's also not a setting where there's a constant non-moving relationship in the background of other plots going on. For instance, This Art Club Has a Problem! has a fairly static relationship between the two main characters. It's also primarily about a hobby. However, there's less of a problem there, because there's always something going on that's interesting, and those parts don't drag out nearly as much as this. Rarely anything huge, since it is a slice of life, but it's still interesting.

An example I tend to use of why this is pointless is Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa/Actually, I am.../My Monster Secret.
I dropped that series for various reasons I'm not going to mention here. But the romance wasn't one of them. I think; it was quite a while ago.

Anyway, I agree with that. I don't think this series would suffer from having Marin and Wakana get together. It's partially because I don't think the romance is that important; it's the relationship between them that's important. That can develop and fuel the story regardless of whether they're together as a couple.

The other part is that a story can easily go past that even if romance is the main focus. Kaguya's one popular example, and in that case it was the entire premise. Sure, there were things some people didn't like about it, but that particular aspect wasn't exactly critical.

So yeah, get on with the relationship already, or show a proper reason for why it's not happening.

That aside, I still appreciate avoiding the Christmas confession cliché. That actually fell apart much more naturally than the rest of her hesitations. Unless it's still going to happen very soon, which I also don't mind.

And yes, even if I cut out most of your post, I still read it. Some people have a problem with me not liking huge blocks of quoted text.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2019
I asked this question on Church of Potteto ver. Might as well ask it here.
I know you guys want the romance part of this series to be seen more, but do you guys think it's needed? For whom (i.e reader's satisfaction or character's "growth")?
Personally, I'm not bothered with the shift of focus of genre in this series. I've read Bakuman, and this arc reminded me of Mashiro's tenacity when I read Gojo. It makes me wanna root for him instead of despising him for being a "coward virgin".
I'mma tell you something after buying 7 volumes.

The reason this series got attention and popular enough for an anime is for the romance. Seeing how an otaku gal and an artisan to be without many social skills start to get closer and making friends along the way with cosplaying. Look at the early chapters, they are telling us the details of the process of making a cosplay while showing the emotions and struggles of a frustrated perfectionist and his trauma for his childhood friend. In 15 chapters they showed us such an amazing story and progress with the main characters relationship, yes, a romance developement with Marin falling in love with the hardworking guy who wants to accomplish both of Marin's cosplay dream and his doll making dream. That happened in 2019, that damn awesome first arc that made me buy and support the author.

The sisters appeared with the older loli catching an interest in our male protagonist with the blushin and all, again selling us a romance manga WITH cosplay, family drama in it and now photography, interesting, I don't like the idea of more girls interested in Gojo but interesting. Meh.

Now look at new chapters, any depth to our MAIN girl character??? Ehhh no, just a cute girl that likes anime stuff and Gojo, we don't know much of her after all this time. I forgot last time they mentioned the childhood friend, someone who made big damage to our ML and was important to the story of him, his personality and dream, did Good changed his personality to show how he's not ashamed anymore of his passion or changed his personality? Not much. They introduced us a mysterious character who sliiightly looked like his childhood friend around ch 68-69 at the beginning of 2022!!! who had an unexpected and hostile sentiment to Marine??? And was interesting to know why, how could it be she hates our main gi- oh she's just a fan girl and now has no purpose in the story, wasted chapters in that like crazy, a whole year to solve that thing. Then we have nuns? And... Alright they are teaching us cosplay tricks but where is the romance they sold us for the earliest 30+ chapters? Marine has been stuck in "hihihi I like him" for 80 chapters in, again, the romance and drama story they sold us in the first half and the reason they have a fandom. From all the new characters introduced in the last 70 chapters the crossdressing guy has been the best, they forgot about the sisters and even the grandpa for months, author recycled the damn scene of buying Gojo clothes 💀 for what? Oh they mentioned Christmas in February with people expecting romance developement forgotten for the last 3 years and they gave us is 6 chapters (almost 5 months) of Gojo struggling for the 20th time with some random shi and then BOOM, BLUE BALLED AGAIN. No development, Gojo still a damn dull guy, Marine a 1 dimensional character. It doesn't even have an interesting story anymore, where is the main struggles to overcome? No development for countless chapters, wasted characters, no more Romance+Cosplay+Overcoming Problems+Friendship that is what they made us fan of this, is only Gojo getting to know a random game story+Cosplay and that's all. THAT'S ALL. Where's the Gojo who did everything to overcome those cosplay struggles and had a big desire to accomplish his dream? Just recently he dropped the Manga title as if something important happened. Where is our Marine who quickly discovered her emotions and made daring moves? Is mid.
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 30, 2018
I fucking love the grandpa. He really cares for Gojou. Marry me gramps!

...I miss my grandpa and the insane stories of his youth TvT. Love you gramps. I'm sorry I wasn't being honest with you when you were healthy. I'm sorry that I often complained when we walked you around in your wheelchair. It was honestly a fun time going around with you and mom and dad. Fuck I am all teary now.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
I can see why a lot of people are complaining, but this is one of the few times Gojo wants to do something for his own sake rather than Marin's (since he usually acts more like a stepping stone for others) so I'll say "let him cook".

I guess the biggest issue is the "antagonist" (the nuns' manga author) doesn't feel like they have as strong as a presence as they should? I feel like they should feel like a constant looming threat since his elitist nature is talked about. Maybe like that time Mob Psycho 100 when Mob got "transported to another world"? A looming threat of something dreadful and constant suffering in his struggles, is probably what I want.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
Look at the early chapters, they are telling us the details of the process of making a cosplay while showing the emotions and struggles of a frustrated perfectionist and his trauma for his childhood friend.
I think that as long as it connects to the cosplaying (actually cosplaying, not thinking about preparing for cosplaying) well enough and it's fun on its own, it's fine. I don't have a huge problem with those things in and of themselves. I don't think the problem is those later arcs (that you mentioned elsewhere); it's the pacing of them.

It's a common disease for stories, where arcs get longer and longer the longer the story goes on. If you have a tournament arc starting the first few chapters, expect it to be done within another few chapters. If it starts after seven volumes, expect it to take another couple of volumes.

Marine has been stuck in "hihihi I like him" for 80 chapters in, again, the romance and drama story they sold us in the first half and the reason they have a fandom.
This is the main problem, which I've mentioned before. That kind of static relationship only works if there's little or no continuity, like having several Valentine's Day specials with the characters still in the same year. If it's not that, it's because the author doesn't think the series works without that romantic tension, which means it very much is a major part of the story. And you can't just ignore those parts unless all you want is to milk it for as long as you can.

Marin = A young cosplayer. Marine = A totally young pirate. ;)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
Grandpa's talk with Marin is also pretty worrying imo. He sees nothing wrong, actually regrets he can't go that hard anymore due to age and tells Marin to stick with him while actually saying this kind of working pace is gonna be the norm in his life.

I am all for a life dedicated to ones art. That is a choice and i understand it. But that's a solitary journey. You can't expect people to stick around when you forgo all your connections, senses and work. It's not fair to expect it from people. Specially from lively extroverts like Marin.

When you think about it, as things stand, they are really not a good match are they?
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2019
Grandpa's talk with Marin is also pretty worrying imo. He sees nothing wrong, actually regrets he can't go that hard anymore due to age and tells Marin to stick with him while actually saying this kind of working pace is gonna be the norm in his life.
I thought this was weird, too. Shouldn't Grandpa be trying to steer Gojou away from that kind of life? Or maybe, having lived that way his whole life, Grandpa doesn't know how to break out of that mindset and is hoping Marin can help in his place? I'm interested in seeing Gojou's development by the end of the arc.

Edit: I see a bunch of words about the romance, but I think doing a lot of character building makes the romance more satisfying, so I'm all for what's going on in the story right now.
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2023
When you think about it, as things stand, they are really not a good match are they?
they never have been.
realistically, marin would soon meet someone else that can actually give her the attention that she needs and who appreciates her for who she is, not just as a dress-up doll.
and i'd actually be fine with that development now. it would at least be realistic and interesting.
goujou has acted so profoundly retarded for so long now that i have lost all sympathy for him.
just lock yourself in with your dolls you rude, unappreciative piece of garbage.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2019
Gojou has acted so profoundly retarded for so long now that i have lost all sympathy for him.
just lock yourself in with your dolls you rude, unappreciative piece of garbage.
Fr, the way Gojo acts is extremely annoying and in a realistic scenario she would already lost interest in him, specially after how he acted in this chapter.

Is imposible at this point for this kind of development, but if she ever found another guy who really cares for her I wouldn't even get mad if the story made 180 turn, but oh well... XD
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2023
In the last 4 months we only had 5 chapters. One of which was a .5 extra chapter so to be honest one chapter a month is nothing new.
yeah this i dont really understand. i thought we were already on a chapter a month schedule
i actually thought at first that they meant that the chapters were going to be coming out MORE often
Aug 21, 2020
yeah this i dont really understand. i thought we were already on a chapter a month schedule
i actually thought at first that they meant that the chapters were going to be coming out MORE often
Well it’s because the last chapter was 3 weeks ago. But as I said in last 4 months we had 5 chapters (well 6 included the April Fools chapter which wasn’t a chapter).

What I expect they really mean by the whole one chapter a month thing is that it will be over a month between chapters of put in another way two chapters every three months!

Which is really nothing, I’ve been reading railgun for over 10 years at this point and we haven’t had a chapter this month so frankly Sono Bisque Doll being once a month is water of a ducks back to me.
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2023
Gojo needs to compliment his work. Marin and everyone else does, and his work is really amazing.
But it's hard to when you are comparing it to the ideal version you have in your head. People dedicated to their craft, say painting, will always look at their work with dissatisfaction because they're comparing it to the idealized version they have thought of.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2020
Where's the Gojo who did everything to overcome those cosplay struggles and had a big desire to accomplish his dream? Just recently he dropped the Manga title as if something important happened.
Do you not see him struggling for perfection? In my eyes, he IS trying to overcome it, little by little, step by step.
Also, the way I see it, his struggle to reach perfection; the black fabric (which he figured out), the rib props... all of that for Marin to cosplay. Is that not like, an act of love itself? Do you not see it that way? Sure he's acting narrow-minded for now, but we have to wait for the results.

I feel like you guys are focusing on the small stuff too much to the point that you guys are forgetting the bigger picture, that the fact that Marin wanted to cosplay as Haniel, so here Gojo is, trying his best to fulfill her want.

What do you think? ¯\(ツ)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
Fr, the way Gojo acts is extremely annoying and in a realistic scenario she would already lost interest in him, specially after how he acted in this chapter.
Eh, what's "realistic" isn't a set event or choice. Some people lose interest after missing a phone call, and some hang on to relationships that have been doomed for decades.

In this case, she knows what he's doing. She has a certain comfort in that. I also think she's too friendly to just give up on someone without something severe happening.
Aug 21, 2020
Eh, what's "realistic" isn't a set event or choice. Some people lose interest after missing a phone call, and some hang on to relationships that have been doomed for decades.

In this case, she knows what he's doing. She has a certain comfort in that. I also think she's too friendly to just give up on someone without something severe happening.

Plus I think she is in love with him because of his passion for his craft. The guy is working his best on her costume so I expect she is secretly pleased he is dedicating it all even if she is missing out on the ultimate date night. Also as Gojo grandpa explained in this chapter the fact this is the ultimate date night is possible lost on Gojo or he would have made way more effort as he in love with her tooo!

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