Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - Articulate Monsters

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
@SweatyBrie "but she can't understand society" Well no, she didn't understand, which doesn't mean she can't. She's more or less a psychopath. "If you kill anyone else human society will reject you and you will be killed" would work on a demon as well as on any psychopath, if you can back that up.

@tuatara1 It might be possible but it would take understanding what the demons want and making it so they can only get what they want without killing humans. The mistake here is thinking that demons are/will be forthright and honest in their desires or that one of those desires is peace. Peace isn't something that can be achieved through negotiation with demons, but by making the conditions of peace preferable for them to the conditions of war. If a human/elf what have you could step into the 'role' of demon-lord it might be possible to hold them in check through the 'natural' demon hierarchy. I'd guess it's just a 'most powerful at the top' pyramid.
Dec 18, 2019
I sure hope no one here is foolish enough to take a fantasy story about humans, elves, and demons and extrapolate justification for dehumanizing other people who don't align with their own values. That would be.... problematic.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
This depiction of the demons is straight out of various bits and pieces of Japanese folklore. Yokai and what not that mimic the voices or appearance of humans to lure them, and then they eat them. They're not human, they're monsters designed to prey on humans quite effectively, playing with our sympathies. Vampires could be another good example, depending on the setting we look at (there are far too many settings where vampires and humans can coexist to call them a perfect example).
Aug 25, 2019
So what if it's xenophobic? If something is dangerous to society it is removed from said society. Same with criminals. Demons are quite literally man-eaters. What happens to lions that start to hunt people in Africa? Are they forgiven and people try to "achieve piece" with them? Hell no. They're relentlessly hunted down and killed.

In fact, they's literally zero incentive to seek peace with the demons, since being a menace to humans is in their inherent nature. The only side to profit from said "peace" would be demons.

The demons are not "misunderstood" or hated because they're "different". They're hated because of their actions.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018
I honestly like the chapters (finally a conflict).
Demon in nature is deceiving, but I honestly can see why they want peace. Like okay, you're sly person, but you also just want to have days where you doesn't need to kill everyone. It won't be easy, perhaps coexistence is hard and segregation is better.
Jun 21, 2020
Don't know if this has been mentioned before, but referring from the last Vol 2 preview page, it seems that Vol 1 only contains Chapter 1-7. Therefore, we could assume Vol 2 would also be around 7 chapters, or 8-14. However, we currently are at 14 already and we still have not seen the panels in the upper left corner, so I think it is safe to assume we will be able to wrap this up in the next chapter. The reason I think that is so is because after translating some of the panels on the preview page (through very rough Google Translate interpretation):

- The one to the right of the top-left one, we see Aura lying on the ground. Her speech bubble say "Because you won't be able to kill..." " though those lovely, magical words..."
- Below the top-left one, Lugner is seen saying something like "Doraato's brainless." "Everything is ruined."
- Two panel to the right of that, we can see one of the messengers saying something that could be "It's already settled."
- Below that one, Lugner can be seen slumping against a wall, saying "Is that so." "I remembered. Frieren."

Anyways, it's just my prediction that Frieren will kill (or not kill?) Aura in the next chapter. Seems like this will be ending sooner than I had thought.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2018
@comedyxtragedy They're man-eaters. Coexistence is literally impossible unless you can somehow fundamentally change the nature of what a demon is. Even if they didn't eat humans they're cold-hearted and calculating - they know but do not understand the concepts that humans do. They don't want peace, they want to be in charge but if that's not possible then on "equal" footing until they can do a coup.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2018
@tuatara1 Lol, xenophobic is a term only the most privileged humans in all of history could ever unironically use. If you want to put your money where you mouth is go pet a lion. You're not xenophobic, are you? It's like the term risk management doesn't exist to you, lmao. Go preach your SJW shit elsewhere
Jul 7, 2019
Wow this is the first time that I have seen a Manga describe Demons as...well...Demons lmao.

Normally there's always a lack of communication between the species that generate conflict, here it seems that they really can't coexist at all.

Hyped for the next chapter!
Active member
Jul 23, 2018
"Demons are not demons" is so cliche that the motif "demons are demons" is really new now.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
It's both sad and funny that we've got people defending the demons here in the comments.
You can't make this shit up. Moralfags gonna moralfag. They never learn even when slammed with a hammer to the face.
Active member
Sep 5, 2019
This manga has primarily been about two things.

First: Life is fleeting, so make the most of the precious moments you have with people while you can. They’ll be gone before you know it.

Second: Humans (unlike elves) are quick to forget. Even with our books and monuments and celebrations, it’s easy to forget the things that we’ve learned in the past, or ascribe the wrong lessons to things we were supposed to remember.

I really liked this chapter, because it shows how much people forget. It’s no coincidence that hostility started back up the same year that Himmel died. And despite all that happened when the Demon Lord was defeated, that was nearly 100 years ago now. Most places don’t even seem to remember that Frieren was part of the hero’s party. But she remembers it all.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
@beperov so youre saying a professional military with rules of engagement and abiding by the Geneva Convetion, is no different than the guys who impale children on spikes because theyre of a different religion?

No different than the guys who capture civies and behead them or burn them alive, and send the video across the world to achieve their political objective?

Good to know that's where you stand.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018
@Petnavis You know, I'm really glad I'm not you. Like, absolutely thrilled not to be in your head.

We aren't talking about fucking lions here. (For one thing, I respect lions enough to leave them the fuck alone and simply let them live their lives.) We're talking about the kind of shit that has been said about different groups of real human beings again and again and again. Frieren's lines in this chapter have been used to diminish and demonize actual people as less than human and inherently dangerous.

When fiction reinforces that sort of reductive and destructive thinking, it's a goddamned problem that can't be dismissed with a smug little "lol" by the likes of you.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 1, 2018
Wow that's really accurate to the stereotypical demon using words to sway good natured humans.
Active member
Jan 17, 2020
It's fresh to see a fantasy manga where the demons are depicted as a different creature entirely and not as "humans who just happen to be born different", i really like their depiction of demons simply because it make sense. It make sense human and demons could never get along, it make sense for them to be natural enemies. They are after all, different creatures that would never reach the same understanding.

You can teach a monkey how to operate a smart phone but they just "don't get it", you can teach a demon how to live like humans but they just "don't get it".

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