Someone mentioned on the other site that this fight:
even if loid was diminished, Yuri proved his strength.
It took me a moment to understand, but I think I get it.
We've seen both Loid and Yuri knock out opponents with efficiency. We've seen Loid in tough spots, but never due to a difference in strength (that I can recall - he's always been OP). Yuri has always been known for his excessive durability/endurance. It is really weird to see the both of them suddenly become "under powered".
Yuri's attacks felt sloppy and Loid's attacks felt weak. These can both be justified as "Loid is more experienced and can avoid Yuri's attacks with ease." and "Loid feels badly having to fight Yuri." but it just feels weird and contrived. (Drat, I wish I could explain this more clearly...)
And while the guesses about Yuri recognizing Loid as Twilight might be true if they encountered each other right away, I'm not sure that will happen. Sure, Yuri can recover from being hit by a vehicle in a few days, but the guy has a busted jaw(and crotch?) and a concussion at least. Surely that'll put him away for a week?