Lifting 18.927 liters of water above your head requires proper safety etiquette.
The larger the volume of water the stronger the amount of force on impact. Please refer to
Kurzgesagt. Basically the more Mass with a low Surface Area the larger the splash zone.
When lifting up a large object above the head. Most of the upper limbs muscles are in lengthened or shortened positions. Not a very functional position. This means that less of the muscles can be used; so the parts that can be used have to work harder, which inveitably means that the coordination/steadiness of the muscles suffer, so that its harder to balance the object in that position.
This is why in recreational lifting always have a mat ready to dissipate the force. If lifting to store the water in a high place; use a step to keep the water near your chest level.
Lastly if you have a balcony or a bathroom bigger than a capitalist prison. Lift inside the bathroom. It is cleared for water based activities already and you get to shower immediately afterwards without stinking up the home. Obviously don't drop the soap or destroy the glass