@Svelandria yeah i get you but life ain't black and white he's not a good guy just 'cos "he could've killed her at any moment but he didn't" and we shouldn't expect others to make the effort needed for our own shortcomings "I'm bad at getting the point across but it's still your fault for not understanding me" is a trope i see a lot in mangas (heck there's a whole lot of "i look scary and have a loud voice but I'm good hearted deep inside" series floating around with just that as a premise to carry the entire plot line).
as a side note one can have good intentions all along and be a total Dickhead (my life story)
so that's a hard sell tbh, i'll just keep reading 'cos the ghost premise seems kinda fun but i don't have much hope
also last side note, i don't think the "are you a calamity?" excuse hold much weight considering 1. he noticed straight away she didn't have magic 2. he easily overpowered her from the first moment she opened her eyes 3. like ffs dude(not directed at you but at the character) the fuck is a small girl with no distinguishing features gonna be able to do on her own? even if we gonna take the "it's her fate to cause calamity" route bs well if it's fate how would he be able to change it? i mean if I, a dumbo retard on the internet could have thought of these scenarios why can't a super smart calculating MC (or at least that's how he was portrayed to me) who's also a king think of these, couldn't he have considered that if she was a calamity he could have angered her and caused the whole downfall he would have been trying to prevent, or if she was a saint or something that he would have incurred the wrath of a god or something, it's weird anyway i try to think about it