Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita - Vol. 8 Ch. 39 - Hello/Goodbye

Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
Massive asspull unless its relevant in the future. Seems like she could be, seems like she couldn't.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018

I don't know if I've ever seen a more egregious example of Deus Ex Machina.

Oh, you must have. At least this character has been hinted at existing. So a bit of a Chechov's gun. XD

(And was mostly used to just do things he could have done, had he had the time to think and the wherewithal to act.)

But I'd admit the "try to access divine library, only to fail but be given a consolation skill instead" - that part is a clear Deux Ex Machina XD
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

Edit: tried to do some spell checking but got Hangry and lazy so i changed my mind. 😅
Edit 2: got something to eat and did some small edits anyway and added a few more lines about "The Announcer " an hour later 😘

This chapter was a combination of events that is supposed to happen much later in the future with the escape from the flying island. ( at least in the light novel )
In the novel you only get a much shorter conversation with The announcer who overcharged it´s own power and manage to create a few new skills that got them out of this mess.
They don´t learn a lot more than that it´s soul was damaged beyond normal repair and that it likely won't ever be able to wake up again.

"Master" and Fran never get to know who the announcer is until MUCH later and that is why the names are blanked out here.
( "The Announcer" real name is actually named dropped a few arcs later in the lightnovel before you know who/what it actually is.... yay for forshadowing )
(alot of the skill bullshit other than the creation of gods eye also happens then )
But the fact we were told about the blessing from the god of knowledge is a hint towards masters true nature. (that he never got until much later in the novel too IIRC )

Below is a explanation for what happeneds with some pretty big spoilers about the true nature of "master" from the events in the light novel.

*warning, im to lazy to spellcheck all of this so there might be some terrible terrible spelling errors down there*

TL:DR The sword that is "Master" is a combination of 3 souls.
Master is the human soul that controlls of the sword.
"The announcer" is named Cherubim and is the body of the sword itself
( who used to be a "divine blade of wisdom " that was deemed too dangerous to exists by the gods and should have been destroyed.)
There is also another soul who most likelly is "Fenrir" ( its the final soul that speak´s to him a the start off chapter 2 )
If the final soul is "Fenrir" witch would explains alot of small details like why "Master" woke up where he did in chapter 1 and a few other things.
( but this is not confirmed yet where i am in the translation )

OK long version.......
So first off, "Master" as we know him is a soul from a human in our world who controlls the wepon.
That much we know allready and there is not alot more to say as he himself don´t know why he is here or who he used to be.
Where i am in the translation he have yet to find out how to came to this world.
It was hinted at that the gods who created the world might have come from another world that might have been Earth but we don´t know for sure if its earth or if its true at all....

The Anouncer is named "Cherubim" in the translation im reading and used to be the divine blade of wisdom.
For now all you need to know is that Divine blades are super strong wepons with magic powers that can change the world, the rest is unimportant.
The divine blades that were deemed to dangerous to exist by the gods were all destoryed by its creators, the divine smiths
( normally you don't learn of all this until master actually meets one of the divine smiths later on )

The problem with some divine blades like Cherubim is that they are so strong they were a threat to the world just by existing, and Cherubim was on one of them.
That said there are other divine blades out there that is less OP, but still OP as fuck and were allowed to exist.
A example of a divine blade that we are going to see later on in this story is "Terra" who has the power to control gravity and the earth.

Another example of a divine blade that was too powerful is the "Nuclear blade" a divine sword that created nuclear explosions every time it was used, just go give some perspective of how OP they are.
The problem with "Cherubim" was that it had the power to read the akashic records/divine library, witch granted him the power to gain any skill or learn any knowledge that have ever been known.
There is alot of skills like the once"Nuclear blade" had and alot of forbidden knowledge that the gods have banned ( like for example how and why black catkins can´t evolve ).
That is why Cherubim was deemed too dangerous to exist, it was a threat to the gods and the world itself as it had the power of everything that had ever existed.

Now here is why all of that backstory about the divine blades is important, Cherubim was never destoryed for some reason.....
Cherubim was reforged into a new wepon who is the sword the MC is inside of, and with the help of "unleashed potential" Cherubim was able to "wake up" and use some(not all ) of his original OP powers.

This new wepon was forged with three souls inside of it.
First is "The master" who "is" the wepon itself.
Then there is Cherubim who is the body of the wepon.
But there is also a third soul that gives the sword its powers.

Yes you read that right, the ability Master have that lets him eat magic stones and evolve is actually not part of Cherubim´s power.
(this is also foreshadowed back in chapter 2 when he learns he can "eat" magic stones to gain power, you can see a wolf head eating the goblins )
Cherubim had the power to "know and learn everything" not to grow by eating magic stones.
Cherubims main purpose in this new form is to controll the system and make sure that "Master´s" soul don´t explode from having too many skills.
Something that actually gets to be a problem around he time he meets the divine smith.

Its the final soul´s power that allows it to grow by eating magic stones, and also fun fact eating magic stones don´t actually make "Master" stronger.....
It only makes the third soul stronger who allows Master to use its power for some unknown reason. ( but probably to accelerate its own growth ).
We don´t know for sure who the last soul is, but its heavily sugested that it is "Fenrir"
that would explain alot like for example why Master woke up where he did, why Urushi exists at all and some other things that comes later.
Im not sure it was mentioned in the manga but the place "Master" wope up at and where Fran found him is called "the plains of fenrir" or something along that line.
Edit : it was called plains of the demonic wolf in chapter 3
Apr 1, 2019
its looks like my next destination is this novel, after I finish arifureta first.
so much for catching up.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018
It's like the Great Sage from Slime

Kind of. but its still a bit different.
"The Announcer" or Cherubim as its real name is, Existed before "Master" did and is technically the original owner of the body he lives in.
Cherubim is the sword body itself, who used to be another sword that was to strong to be allowed exist by the gods.
It was able to gain asses to the akashic records/divine library and learn anyting and gain any skill that ever existed.
For some reasons it was reforged instead of destroyed like it should have been into what he is now.

If you want even more spoilers go read my other post below where i spoil pretty much everything about who and what "Master" really is.
( or at least everything that i found out about reading the light novel )
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

*small edits about the mini arc in the spoiler tag as i realised its actually shortly mentioned in chapter 2*

The manga changes some small details and skipps out on some smaller stuff
Like for example a whole mini arc before "Master" even meets up with Fran that ends with the start of chapter 1 (Edit: this is all crammed into a short summery in chapter 2 )
but if you like this type of story i recommend you read the novel.....

The mini arc is about
"Master" learning how to use his own power And how he got his first few skills / him fucking up his own common sense and how he reacts to the fact he have magic..

The mini car ends with him landing where he does in chapter 1.
The ground happends to be able to drain magic powers so he gets stuck and cant move on his own with telekinesis like he did up to that point and is where Fran later on finds him...
( it also limits the range of his magic like telepathy but also prevents him from regenerating mana witch is a problem for him as with 0 mana he falls unconsious ).
its why he is so panics about somebody picking him up, it took over a month from when he landed to Fran finding him and he don´t want to be stuck there forever in no mans land.

extra details can make a big difference.

@Manga-Titan go read my post just bellow yours for some small spoilers and extra info about her/him/it
Or my MEGA POST a few comments down from that if you want BIG spoilers.

Also love your profile pic 😘
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2019
Isn't this the literal Deus Ex Machina?

As in, at the moment when MC had literally no way to win, a literal god-like figure seemingly out of nowhere just jumped in and bailed him out.
Feb 4, 2018
Thanks the big Deus Ex Machina chapter with heavy info-dump and big revelations was strange, and I was already sure that it was many small tidbits of information condensed in one chapter to boost the manga speed and let the author tell "He skip many thing because he already know, not because I had no idea to how to write it or I was lazy!" (Something seen many time, or they change the arcs orders and the novel reader don't understand why there is missing arcs...)

Thanks for the reply, I did my best to not read the spoilers to not cry "What the h*ll is this story! o_O" :) )
Double-page supporter
Aug 24, 2018
Noooo announcer sannnnnnn

I already know this from WN but this manga.... it surpassing it by milesssssss
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

wanna know a very tiny spoiler to make you cry even more ? 👺

"mom" was allready dead to begin with, and her only lifeline was the sword that the MC lives in 👻
So "mom"did not die, its more like she came back to life and gave up her second chance at life to do it >:D

Isn't this the literal Deus Ex Machina?

As in, at the moment when MC had literally no way to win, a literal god-like figure seemingly out of nowhere just jumped in and bailed him out.

Its not for 2 reasons.
1 "The Announcer" is not god, or even a creation of a god ( but she/it is blessed by one, and can transfer that blessing to another if she chooces )
2 She was actually part of the story from the beginning, you just did not consider he/she/it a character in the story until now as this is the first time "The Announcer" shows sentience.

for it to be a "real" Deus ex machina you have to put the character in a situation he can´t deal with himself and have god come out of nowhere and fix it.
"The Announcer" is technically a part of the sword he lives in ( and is not a god ) so its not a Deus ex Machina momment,
Mar 8, 2020
just went back and read chapter 15 again and on the second page you can see the announcer is on the sword in the dream instead of the wolf head
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Massive asspull unless its relevant in the future.
For anyone who thinks this is an asspull, the best way I can say this without spoilers is "Go re-read the first few pages of chapter 15 again, pay attention and see if you see anything interesting."
Combine that with the fact that you guys know exactly nothing about this world or master before he woke up? Not really an asspull at all now, is it.

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