@SOYAEA It's not really a Deus Ex Machina, but to explain it would reveal big spoilers, so... Just know that My Waifu Raphael's birth has reasons and twisted fate behind it.
@Andiza im mostly reading LN on 'novelupdates' or 'readln ' it shows the chapters and not by volumes.. Would be a great help if i could know which chapter is it the one where the manga is rn
@lenovoaxioo holy demonic is literally means mix between holy (light) and demonic (darkness) used by either angel, demon or demon lord to counter their weakness because any being with holy and demonic atttibute weak to each other. if i'm not wrong, holy demonic is below chaos attribute..
@Oxeis lol, nice quote.
Really is a tragedy indeed, because with no gender, rimuru is a trap (someone dressing up as one, but is the inverse). surely the inverse of genderless is still the same? Similar to the (additive-)inverse of 0 is 0
@Vegetarex so the web novel one if you read at novelupdates... and i think it's chapter 70 or 71in the "Birth of Demon Lord" Arc. but if you read the 'real' light novel it's volume 6
@monkey123 Saw your post after fixing up part of mine so now I look like I'm replying to the future haha. Anyway, the demons were all more powerful than that guy by kind of a lot weren't they? Let's say, optimistically, if this required two of them it would've required more than two of him.