Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken - Vol. 16 Ch. 72 - Swirling Conspiracy

Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
Oh yeah this is the beginning of the "author running out of ideas for the plot". šŸ˜Œ
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Ugh, I hate mind control. Something abiut itā€™s just so disgusting (I care a lot about loyalty and trust, and the fact of that breaking destroying someoneā€™s personality because of something like this is just... ugh). Not to mention it just always felt so cheap. Like I get it if the mcā€™s the one doing it (at least I signed on for that, I want (or should want) the mc to win by whatever means, and plus it doesnā€™t feel as disgusting for me because that character wasnā€™t loyal to someone I liked and taken away (or shouldnā€™t have been)). But for a Villain to do it, it just feels like another random way for the author to have a fake ā€œbetrayalā€ (that he can throw away when itā€™s no longer convenient to the plot) and/or a random powerup/ way to fight back (maybe with a meat shield or weaknesses knowledge) because the main characters are too powerful (i.e. here). The outcome is a cheap move, that ultimately feels like the author just wants me to feel bad because he couldnā€™t figure out any other way to spice things up or make a villain a threat. To me mind control like this only works when the main cast hasnā€™t MET the controlled party yet. Then they can save them, we can get to know a new main character, the final boss is weakened (but usually in this case still extremely powerful compared to the main cast), and no gut-wrenching feeling of betrayal (so yay!).

This just doesnā€™t work well for me. Hoping this arc is over soon because stuff like this always makes it harder for me to read/watch something I like. Also how did Clayman even gain control of Milim? From what we just learned heā€™s the weakest of the demon lords. Heā€™s not even awakened yet, so currently my main slime Rim could wipe the floor with him. So how did he gain control of Milim who is stupid OP? It canā€™t be blackmail or a deal. Sheā€™s unresponsive which suggests complete mind control, but what power that such a weak demon lord have could give complete control of the literal disaster that is Milim? It looked like some kind of device appeared for a second, so was that it? Still how die he get a chance to use it on the literal disaster that is Milim? Am I supposed to believed he held her down? This is why I donā€™t like mind control. It feels so cheap. And why is Frey(a) listening to him? I know hardly anything about her (canā€™t even remember her name), but for some reason he has dirt on her or made some deal a long time ago? So what heā€™s the weakest demon lord and Iā€™m supposed to believe heā€™s the ultimate schemer despite still being the weakest.

Just tell me what does having Milim mind controlled accomplish? At least what does it accomplish that introducing some new ancient magic or having clayman do something like drain random mobs I donā€™t care about wouldnā€™t? There has to be an outcome and story development that turns out super interesting and improves all the characters used for me to okay with a random gut-wrenching feeling of betrayal and sadness for Milim. If this is just to make me a hate clayman as a villain then itā€™s pathetic (1. If you want me to hate a character then take the time to write it over time; donā€™t throw ā€œhate meā€ stones at me with their face on it all of a sudden 2. Personally I feel that if a Villain is going to be in the story for more than five seconds, then I shouldnā€™t hate them. I should understand them, maybe disagree with the, and probably disprove of their aftions, but I shouldnā€™t hate them, because then Iā€™m wasting chapters feeling nothing but hatred and not enjoying reading. I want them gone next second, but continue to get angry when they stay for chapters upon chapters. As a reader, it isnā€™t enjoyable). If this is because the author couldnā€™t find any other way to make clayman a threat, then itā€™s sad. Again he could have introduced whatever to give him a powerup or introduced new really powerful mind slave servants I donā€™t care about (or have him create some). It would have gotten the message across (clayman is a vampire that leeches off of the power of others, yada yada yada), and not have made me angry. A feel like there is a billion better ways this could have gone. Now I have mixed feelings about reading future chapters because of the more Iā€™ll be confronted with these feelings again. We know that Rimuru wins and Milim goes back to normal, so what do I even gain from having to feel this right now?

P.s.: what I said is definitely opinion. Itā€™s a story, how each of us respond to it is subjective and these are just my thoughts and feelings in response. I completely donā€™t care and 200% understand if anyone else has a conflicting or otherwise different response. Itā€™s art, not science
Group Leader
Mar 8, 2018
@TNT261: I think youā€™ll be pleased, to spoil this plot thread,
Milim hasnā€™t been mind controlled. Sheā€™s playing Clayman. Literally everyone is playing Clayman.
Aggregator gang
Feb 10, 2020
Aggregator gang
Aug 27, 2019
So with Veldora's re-introduction, is it now safe to read the Mamono no Kuni spin off without fear of major spoilers?
Mar 29, 2020
@TNT261 I recommend reading the series again if you dont understand it. It is explained.. I get it, a month between chapters is a long time and its easy to forget what happened before.
Active member
Sep 23, 2018
Still, kinda fucked up that she wiped Yuurazania off the face of the Earth like that.
Then again, with her reputation, I don't think anyone would've expected anything less than that.
Double-page supporter
Sep 10, 2019
man, I am so glad that this version of rimuru isn't a raging asshole to veldora who he pretty much owes his life to
Now if this manga manages to avoid spending 50% of its content on a
stupid ass pointless time wasting labyrinth
we're platinum tier adaptation.

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