Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai - Vol. 5 Ch. 28 - The Demon Lord, the Hero, and the Lost Shield

Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
How many times are they gonna repeat the same old retard strength sister joke? That is literally the only role she has every time she's on screen. Same joke, same conclusion.
Double-page supporter
Dec 3, 2019
Why does it sometimes feel like everything is working against Al? Well, I guess it's his fault most of the time.
Jul 27, 2019
I don’t find this funny? I feel like the sister is like a monarch or big bully or something... Sure Al sometimes makes jokes that annoy ppl but hey its normal and he is supposed to be a kid and should have been able to get away with it. I feel like Al is getting suppressed in each chapter
Active member
Sep 6, 2019
I'm dropping this if they force Al to fight a third consecutive match. Any more than two would just be abuse.
May 20, 2018
@Luftwaffles27 @penmore
From what I've heard from people who read the books,
this continues and does not ever stop.
So you might want to drop it. I hate it too but i'm still reading because of what another poster said, it's funny to look at is as what happens when an author's brain is on clown porn and they write a story.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2018
I remember this manga is supposed to be funny, but for some reason i always got my nerve ticked every time i read it. I just feel that ll his hardwork got unrewarded.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Blip Following that logic, they should occasionally have magic fights as well, swords forbidden. If the father and sister can't compete, they will just get beaten blue and purple. That would encourage them to train their magic, right? If they didn't agree to that, the MC should just use magic in the swordmanship training as well, following his own discretion. If the others don't like that... Well, what are they going to do about it? Disinherit him? If they simply stop training with him, it would be perfect for the MC's easy life dream.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I'm really starting to hate just how fucking stupid and a massive pushover this MC is.
Aggregator gang
Jun 19, 2018
You guys are all taking daily life antics way too seriously.

He's not being abused, he's being treated like the child he is.

Not a spoiler, but can be hurtful to some, so... trigger warning:
With the way some of you complain but keep coming back, honestly it looks like jealous.
Not having a good childhood and seeing someone else having it makes you jealous and hateful, but since you desire it so much for yourself, you keep coming back, getting hurt, then envious, then hateful, and then complain and attack the series to try and feel better. But even so, this does not fill the hole in your empty life and you keep coming back for more as soon as a new chapter is released... and the cycle continues.

Even this comment itself has a risk of such reaction.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
He is leagues stronger than the sister but the author keeps this bullshit...

It is more that it is really unrealistic.
Also if he is to be taken as a child then it is abuse as it would be considered abuse IRL.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Nope, that's dumb, and definitely abuse.

Also, I come back because the premise is fun, and because of sunk cost fallacy.
I've been promised a fun, relaxing isekai with an OP AF character, and I've spent more than a year reading it
Now, all I see now is a young boy bullied by his whole family and friends. But I was still hoping...

It's to the point that it's getting dumb. Could you please explain to me why the crazy strong-as-a-gorilla waaay older sister can use her full power while sparing, but he can't ?
She's getting cocky as fuck, and he's getting hurt, but not only nobody gives a shit (even his mom), but they actually laugh at him...

Maybe if he could stomp his sister once, the dynamic would become interesting, but nope, it's so much more fun watching a baby get beaten blue by people who are supposed to protect him.

But now, I don't see where the author could take this shit story anywhere that isn't dumb and infuriating.
So, yeah, that's it for me, i'm dropping this. I've read revenge stories with more endearing villains than this boy's family.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Rafaelrgm its more that at the start the family would win some and he would win some lately its just been the family winning for dumb reasons and hes not really a kid since mentally he is older than them
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
I'm one with 90% of the comments.

@Syanalassa: Good point, but the author isn't giving MC any kind of break. He is just breaking him and most of the audience here is getting tired of it. Even if this is the "underdog"-phase of his life, we're at a point, at which the author would be obligated to highlight MC's and his life's good points. Quite a lot of them, as he really hold back on those lately. Instead this manga just consists of his abuse. This series won't last long enough to reach his "badass"-phase, if this carries on. And making him a jerk at some points (and he really earned his right to be a jerk. Also he isn't that much of a jerk.), so the author hints, that he brought it unto himself, is just ... boring? Silly? Stupid? It is stupid.

F**k you, MC. At this point it is your own fault. They don't deserve you to listen to them anymore, yet you still do. Your handling of the situation is bad and you should also feel bad.

@ Guys threatening to drop it. Don't forget to rate it before you do
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@Rafaelrgm nah man, it's empathy
mc op af and yet literally everyone belittles him
being made fun of, his hard work not recognized, his achievement taken as trivial, yet he's still willing to take it all like a good little boy

that hit a lil' too close for comfort, i say
even more frustrating since we know mc power is the real thing
Aggregator gang
Jun 19, 2018
But he has only done trivial things so far, with the exception of the board-game, and even that is not that great.
They do make fun of him in good fun, the same way people usually do with children his age, that is not abuse.

What are his real accomplishments? Some food and a board game. It may look amazing for us because we know the effect of those things in our world, but honestly, how many of the our hometown dishes and games, keep being just that?

Also, from the point of view of the family, they are right. It's not good to put a young child on a pedestal.
He's like what? Not even 8 years old and the people keep complaining that he is suffering domestic abuse for not being put on a pedestal and worshiped like the MC's from other isekais.

His parents are doing a good job in raising him. they know what he is capable of, but do not spoil him for that.

• His mother noticed he has a gift with magic when he was 4 and right away, began to think of training method that would suit him, instead of praising him to the heavens, which would risk any normal child becoming lazy, stuck up, bratty, arrogant, etc...
• His sister obviously loves him a lot(sibling love, obviously), and wants to bring him him everywhere to play with him. She does not quite understand that he is not fully capable of keeping pace with her, but that is something pretty common for a child, and she is, in fact, a child.
• His brother always try to be a responsible brother and take care of him. He is more mature than the Eleonora because he is the heir and is raised as such.
• His Father is a bit strict and forces him to learn swordsmanship... So what? This is a world where this skill is a necessity to survive in this world and is his duty as a father to teach him that, even if doesn't want to. And not to mention, that the MC's magical abilities are not offensive.
• The servants are treated as part of the family, they play with him, and he plays with them.

And again, he is not even in the double digits in terms of age, it's irrational to expect people treat him the same way they treat an adult or teen.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@Rafaelrgm Wait, wait, wait. So, making sure he doesn't become arrogant or stuck up is a good thing, sure. (By actually abusing him physically and mentally, but I'll disregard that point.) Then how in the hell do you explain his sister? She is the most arrogant, stuck up, fucking prick in fiction, short of actual villains. Double standards.

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