Thank you everyone and good luck

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Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
As some of you may or may not already know I have been banned from commenting for about a month now. I just want to put the facts out there as to why I am done unless they fix the moderation problems with Zephyrus.

I was reading chapter 8 of

when the following happened in the chapter:


As you can see, the Male MC grabbed the Female MCs tits (sexual assault), then in the following:


Female MC says fine, while blushing... I don't know about you folks but if she didn't like it I am sure there are various other options this could have gone, instead she just lets it go (we as the readers know she likes the Male MC from her previous discussion with her sister in a previous chapter if you need more proof for whatever reason)

After reading a comment under the chapter I made the accurate comment that:

it's not sexual assault if the girl likes it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I think a day or so passed after I made that comment, then all the sudden I see a mention in my inbox, apparently someone got butt-hurt at my comment and reported me (which is what I hoped happened) or Zephyrus was just doing his usual harassment towards me looking for shit to get me banned for (which by the way I have never given him any).

I see the following comment under the chapter:

If you had bothered to read the rules, you'd know that rape jokes are not acceptable on MD. More specifically, it's a violation of 5.1.4. I have warned you multiple times for your behavior in the past. Enjoy your one month vacation from commenting.



Now, if you are a well educated person, you would know that RAPE and SEXUAL ASSAULT are not the same.

Sexual Assault: Refers to any sexual, physical, verbal, or visual act that forces a person to engage in sexual contact against their will or without their affirmative consent.

Rape: Refers to forced sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal, or oral penetration through physical force, such as being restrained or drugged, or threats to escalate violence

Did I say anywhere on my comment, a rape joke? absolutely not.

So, here I was sending PMs to other mods and even the site owners explaining, and requesting for something to be done since there was absolutely zero validation for my month old ban. After some time I found ixlone on the IRC chat and had a nice discussion with him. I explained to him everything and then he brings up the following:

Other Terminology: This category includes everything else that does not neatly fit under the above categories. It includes, but is not limited to, rape jokes, homophobia, transphobia, and direct personal attacks.

"it includes, but is not limited to" I would have given it to him, but Zeph already made it very CLEAR on why he "banned me":

from Zeph
If you had bothered to read the rules, you'd know that rape jokes are not acceptable on MD. More specifically, it's a violation of 5.1.4

He banned me for a rape joke, which is included in 5.1.4, that is the reason for my punishment, something which I DID NOT DO.

I went and joined discord to see if I could do something about it, I made the funny remark that Zephyrus does not know the difference between sexual assault and rape, and Zeph had no hesitation on permanently muting me from discord as well.

Just so you know, when you have a dispute of the actions that moderators take against you, they specifically tell you to take it to other mods or higher ups (They have told me this in the past).

He said not to bring up the ban on public in discord, fine I will talk about other things with my fellow friends...

But, appearantly zeph didn't like the fact that I had joined the IRC chat and had a talk with ixlone about how ridiculous this month ban was. I am 200% certain I can find you actual rape jokes all over MangaDex which have not received one single fucking punishment. You can see yourself, he was pretty mad.


So what, you expect me let you walk all over me when you tell me I did something which I did not fucking do? fuck no.

What's really interesting is that many folks saw me on discord that day and kept asking Zeph why he muted me, and then they proceeded to DM me asking me what happened... and as soon as I told them the facts they 100% agreed with me, and even challenged zeph in discord about it... but he did not want none of that shit.

I even had a nice talk with another moderator, apparently more chilled than Zeph I never had a problem with Lymus...


So, you have the facts, we all know there has been much worse shit said in these comments than my own... I proved I did not do what I was told I did and I still had the punishment for it. I am not the only member of this community that has had problems with Zephyrus, if you look through the forums I am sure you will find plenty of other folks that had terrible fucking interactions with zeph. When you are a moderator, you have an obligation to remain absolutely 100% neutral with all of your community, you have a guideline (rules) which you uphold everyones standards by. Zephyrus is not shy of mentioning how much he despises me, of how much he fucking hates my guts, of how fucking biased he is when it comes to me. The moment you let your emotions control you even though you are proven to be wrong and you do nothing about it you lose all credibility.

He could have just said my bad dude I didn't know the difference, but he did nothing. The reason this is fucked up is because there has been numerous occasions where I'd see some mention notifications of people personally fucking harassing me, attacking me, and the mod(s) do nothing about it when I report them... talk about double fucking standards, and I am sure if you're racist, sexist, whatever the fuck against me zeph would just let it slip since it involves me.

I don't really see the higher ups doing anything about it, and I don't see zeph growing up anytime soon so until I get an apology or something happens so I am immune to zephs personal vendetta against me I have decided to avoid this community (doesn't include the friends I have made over the time I have spent here, just continue to contact me as usual).

I am so sorry, I am so sorry that people get offended when I throw the sacrilegious word beta around. If I see a fucking beta character I will fucking call it out dude, beta here beta there fucking betas dude. If I want fictional characters to fuck in a fucking romance, ecchi, whatever the fuck genre I will fucking say it. WHEN THEY FUCKING? If it upsets you when I ask when they are having sexual relationship I am so sorry, but I will fucking call it out. When you are being a fucking weasel I will call your shit out, done.

imagine being in the streets and constantly having to look over your shoulders, It has been fucking exhausting trying to have a good time on this site having a moderation constantly on your fucking ass all ALL. THE. TIME. I am over it.

Thank you to those of you who had a nice time with me, thank you for sharing your favorites and in return enjoying my favorites. Thank you for understanding that when I call out a beta character or ask when they fuccing it's all for the funs and games and it's not to be taking so fucking serious dude.

For those of you who got offended, every single time you saw me and my "when they fuccing?" or "beta this beta that" and automatically assumed I was some sort of fucking idiot and decided to block me... Thank you for mentioning my name and still talk shit about me even though you have "blocked" me. You blocked me and then still use my name to personally harass me... it never worked, I just laughed at your shallowness and reported you... though I am sure nothing was done to you.

To those who I had actual fucking discussions, fucking love you guys. 10/10 hit me up again on discord or PMs.

I will most likely not engage with MangaDex community anymore until something is done so until then peace.

PS, to all the people that congratulated me on my 10,000th profile view thank you!
PSS, yes if you are wondering I am still muted in discord for doing exactly what you are supposed to do when you have a problem with a moderator and contact you know, a higher up.
PSSS, just so we are all clear on how easy it is to actually find comments which violate the rules I took a screenshot while reading on my phone after I got the ban for being wrongly accused. Yes it's a rape joke, no it is not by me and it's by another user.



Active member
Aug 8, 2018

NO, that's not moderation problem. That's forum Moderation working correctly. You got muted because everyone hates your comments.

You think people like hearing you spout Alt Right garbage about Betas, Alpha and the exact same comments and then you making some borderline inappropriate jokes about sexual acts and sex repeatedly?

"It's not sexual assault if the girl likes it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

Always the same thing, some sort of sexual joke that technically isn't against the rules, but is super offensive and designed to piss people who take rape or etc seriously.


I'm not surprised the Mods finally got fed up with you since you've been told repeatedly to stop doing that.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 18, 2018
oh hi kronix.
no wonder i haven't seen you in any comments
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
This is pretty unlikely to be a case of proper definition of rape vs sexual assault. I'd stand by your logic on that front.

Do I stand behind your attitude and behavior toward this? No. And you're a repeat offender. Repeat offenders get less leniency and will easily attract attention from other regulars.

Did I personally find any offense to what I recall of your comments? Not at all; to me, was just another dumb comment to bypass.

No offense to you personally, just straight up honesty from what little I remember of you during my sporadic visits to comments sections.

Really though man, I'm pretty sure you're a good dude. Stick with people you resonate with, but don't force everyone to resonate with you.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018

you can hate me all you want, I gave the facts I know what I did and didn't do. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean it makes it okay to ban other people.


sadly getting offended is not an excuse to ban other people which you may not agree with.

@Freezee yes, I am a repeat offender of making comments that people don't agree / like and get offended by, not ones that demand punishment by the sites rules.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
Technically true, but you've only argued your very most recent offense.

If you are making comments that you clearly know will make someone react negatively, that's the opposite of being civil. And being civil is a rule. You don't get to dictate others' reactions to your comments and behavior.

You are in the wrong.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
@Freezee I am not in the wrong because none of the rules of the site were broken. Trust me I spent a very long time reading the rules of the site.

Just look at crazybars, he doesn't like me or my comments and even though my comment did not break any rule I am already in the wrong purely based on personal biased.

I could, go around looking through all the comments in this site. I am sure we both could find far worst comments that haven't been marked by mod or even edited / flat out deleted for actual rule breaking.

The only difference here is that people have a personal biased and hate towards me, which is alright there is a block function there for a reason.

I am technically correct... there is nothing else to it, fact doesn't lie.
Apr 6, 2019
IMO you should just accept the ban and try to avoid posting stuff that you know is offensive
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

He's using Alt Right insult Slang. It's basically politicized Insults.

It's that crazy shet that ends up on Breit Bart, Kronix is just repeating it word for word and changing the subject from "Cuckservatives" and "Cuck Democrats" to Isekai MCs etc.

It's not that funny of a Joke Kronix. I didn't come to Mangadex to be reminded that even shitty Alpha Male trash talk I used to hear at college drinking Parties culture has been politicized.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
@Evoku if you were jailed for sometime and being wrongly accused you did nothing wrong... You would just take it after you are out? You wouldn't want that record to be expunged?

@crazybars first of all, stop spreading misinformation. I am not alt right or a fucking political activist. When I use the word beta to describe a male main character that is weak against women, gets nosebleeds for looking at girls, gets walked all over by girls, doesn't take initiate to be romantically sexually involved with girls throwing themselves at them.

I have no fucking idea what in the fuck you are talking about alt right crap. A beta male main character to me is a loser that runs from a girl, period.

You bringing politics and brexit makes me question your sanity to be completely honest with you. Why would I bring politics to a site of manga? please focus
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

No, you just pissed off enough people and made enough borderline "rape is okay"
jokes to finally piss off mods enough to ban you for violating rule 5.14.

It's because you've made the same borderline rule violating jokes, CEASELESSLY for months STRAIGHT, EACH AND EVERY DAY, with no break in between now and you


I'm sorry if I don't think that's poor moderation, I've been hearing complaints about you for AS LONG AS I'VE BEEN HERE.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
Dude thinks Manga dex is a government or something lol. In a privately owned site, you can ban people for whatever you want, it's not an infringement on your rights. Your whole post reeks of a whiney kid with nothing better to do with their life other than be a victim of something that doesn't matter in the slightest. Don't leave ass prints on the door when it hits ya on your way out.
Mods, give the final ban hammer to enforce their threat of leaving lol. @zephyrus
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
@crazybars please show me the evidence, show me proof of what you are talking about. You are practically putting words in my mouth at this point without a shred of evidence.

"I been hearing about this kronix guy for months, people keep complaining about him"

Yes, people don't like me, tell me something I don't know... I have about 6000 people that have blocked me, because that is what you do when you don't like when a person says something that you don't agree / like and isn't breaking the rules.

Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
Technically correct, yes. For one specific situation.

If you're going to refute something you feel is wrong, look at everything and take it up with a moderator/admin/whoever. Cite every violation/warning you received, and cite what you didn't break.

If nothing else, you are definitely breaking rule 5.3 (Don't Make the Staff's Job Harder) for the simple reason of continuing your behavior, and attitude. Again, you are well aware your comments cause some grief amongst people. And yet you continued doing so anyway as if nothing was wrong (to my understanding). In doing so, that would likely violate rule 5.2 (Don't be disruptive). Specifically, 5.2.3 (Avoid cluttering up discussions with memes or image responses to posts.), which your comments are very much akin to. This extends to slightly breaking rule 5.2.4(No trolling. Controversial opinions and topics are welcome when accompanied by a point of view aimed at generating genuine discussion.)

You don't get to argue if you aren't being disruptive. That's decided by other people.

You were perhaps being disruptive to biased people, I'll give you that. But it doesn't change that it's still disruptive to some people. And for that, you're in the wrong.

Plus, let's be real, people become biased against repeat annoyances from the same source. 1st offense is given leniency, but multiple repeats afterwards breeds contempt.

I don't doubt there are comments that certainly should have moderation, but not all of the comments deserving it are necessarily repeat offenders.

Now again, I personally just mentally skipped your comments, and I have nothing against you. But that's how I see it.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018

We are all entitled to our opinions. But I believe there that there was no political motivation behind the comments. Isekai is over saturated with main characters that are basically ‘cookie cutter’ molds. Kronix’s isn’t the only one to express disdain towards certain types of characters. So at times agree or disagree we might want to refer to certain MC’s by whatever term we think describes them.

It doesn’t help that in some stories the author give some lackluster excuse. You would expect them to at least have some form of libido. Don’t get me started on the characters that are either the “Pervert or I am a Isekai character but want 100 people in my harem. But I won’t do anything due to (insert something here) trope.” It feels like this can be paradox as it’s commentary on the character's lack of "maturity”.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

Then why are always shoving political language in your comments?

I always thought you were using Breit Bart and Trump supporter language as an over the top joke about the American Political system.

And no, it's not that people don't agree with you and block you. It's because YOU'RE SUCH A DICK WHEN PEOPLE TALK TO YOU.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
@Freezee there is a block function in this website, if people get offended at comments which don't violate any of the rules they can block individuals which they don't agree with.

If people take offense at my comments, they are more than welcome to block me it's that simple.

All of my "warnings" have been of people getting offended at be throwing the word beta around. Do you see any rule in there that you can't call the fictional characters beta when they are being beta? I don't.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 12, 2018

TLDR: Websites/Moderators can do whatever they want.
Specially when it comes to a repeat offender/rule violator.
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