As some of you may or may not already know I have been banned from commenting for about a month now. I just want to put the facts out there as to why I am done unless they fix the moderation problems with Zephyrus.
I was reading chapter 8 of
when the following happened in the chapter:
As you can see, the Male MC grabbed the Female MCs tits (sexual assault), then in the following:
Female MC says fine, while blushing... I don't know about you folks but if she didn't like it I am sure there are various other options this could have gone, instead she just lets it go (we as the readers know she likes the Male MC from her previous discussion with her sister in a previous chapter if you need more proof for whatever reason)
After reading a comment under the chapter I made the accurate comment that:
I think a day or so passed after I made that comment, then all the sudden I see a mention in my inbox, apparently someone got butt-hurt at my comment and reported me (which is what I hoped happened) or Zephyrus was just doing his usual harassment towards me looking for shit to get me banned for (which by the way I have never given him any).
I see the following comment under the chapter:
Now, if you are a well educated person, you would know that RAPE and SEXUAL ASSAULT are not the same.
Sexual Assault: Refers to any sexual, physical, verbal, or visual act that forces a person to engage in sexual contact against their will or without their affirmative consent.
Rape: Refers to forced sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal, or oral penetration through physical force, such as being restrained or drugged, or threats to escalate violence
Did I say anywhere on my comment, a rape joke? absolutely not.
So, here I was sending PMs to other mods and even the site owners explaining, and requesting for something to be done since there was absolutely zero validation for my month old ban. After some time I found ixlone on the IRC chat and had a nice discussion with him. I explained to him everything and then he brings up the following:
"it includes, but is not limited to" I would have given it to him, but Zeph already made it very CLEAR on why he "banned me":
from Zeph
He banned me for a rape joke, which is included in 5.1.4, that is the reason for my punishment, something which I DID NOT DO.
I went and joined discord to see if I could do something about it, I made the funny remark that Zephyrus does not know the difference between sexual assault and rape, and Zeph had no hesitation on permanently muting me from discord as well.
Just so you know, when you have a dispute of the actions that moderators take against you, they specifically tell you to take it to other mods or higher ups (They have told me this in the past).
He said not to bring up the ban on public in discord, fine I will talk about other things with my fellow friends...
But, appearantly zeph didn't like the fact that I had joined the IRC chat and had a talk with ixlone about how ridiculous this month ban was. I am 200% certain I can find you actual rape jokes all over MangaDex which have not received one single fucking punishment. You can see yourself, he was pretty mad.
So what, you expect me let you walk all over me when you tell me I did something which I did not fucking do? fuck no.
What's really interesting is that many folks saw me on discord that day and kept asking Zeph why he muted me, and then they proceeded to DM me asking me what happened... and as soon as I told them the facts they 100% agreed with me, and even challenged zeph in discord about it... but he did not want none of that shit.
I even had a nice talk with another moderator, apparently more chilled than Zeph I never had a problem with Lymus...
So, you have the facts, we all know there has been much worse shit said in these comments than my own... I proved I did not do what I was told I did and I still had the punishment for it. I am not the only member of this community that has had problems with Zephyrus, if you look through the forums I am sure you will find plenty of other folks that had terrible fucking interactions with zeph. When you are a moderator, you have an obligation to remain absolutely 100% neutral with all of your community, you have a guideline (rules) which you uphold everyones standards by. Zephyrus is not shy of mentioning how much he despises me, of how much he fucking hates my guts, of how fucking biased he is when it comes to me. The moment you let your emotions control you even though you are proven to be wrong and you do nothing about it you lose all credibility.
He could have just said my bad dude I didn't know the difference, but he did nothing. The reason this is fucked up is because there has been numerous occasions where I'd see some mention notifications of people personally fucking harassing me, attacking me, and the mod(s) do nothing about it when I report them... talk about double fucking standards, and I am sure if you're racist, sexist, whatever the fuck against me zeph would just let it slip since it involves me.
I don't really see the higher ups doing anything about it, and I don't see zeph growing up anytime soon so until I get an apology or something happens so I am immune to zephs personal vendetta against me I have decided to avoid this community (doesn't include the friends I have made over the time I have spent here, just continue to contact me as usual).
I am so sorry, I am so sorry that people get offended when I throw the sacrilegious word beta around. If I see a fucking beta character I will fucking call it out dude, beta here beta there fucking betas dude. If I want fictional characters to fuck in a fucking romance, ecchi, whatever the fuck genre I will fucking say it. WHEN THEY FUCKING? If it upsets you when I ask when they are having sexual relationship I am so sorry, but I will fucking call it out. When you are being a fucking weasel I will call your shit out, done.
imagine being in the streets and constantly having to look over your shoulders, It has been fucking exhausting trying to have a good time on this site having a moderation constantly on your fucking ass all ALL. THE. TIME. I am over it.
Thank you to those of you who had a nice time with me, thank you for sharing your favorites and in return enjoying my favorites. Thank you for understanding that when I call out a beta character or ask when they fuccing it's all for the funs and games and it's not to be taking so fucking serious dude.
For those of you who got offended, every single time you saw me and my "when they fuccing?" or "beta this beta that" and automatically assumed I was some sort of fucking idiot and decided to block me... Thank you for mentioning my name and still talk shit about me even though you have "blocked" me. You blocked me and then still use my name to personally harass me... it never worked, I just laughed at your shallowness and reported you... though I am sure nothing was done to you.
To those who I had actual fucking discussions, fucking love you guys. 10/10 hit me up again on discord or PMs.
I will most likely not engage with MangaDex community anymore until something is done so until then peace.
PS, to all the people that congratulated me on my 10,000th profile view thank you!
PSS, yes if you are wondering I am still muted in discord for doing exactly what you are supposed to do when you have a problem with a moderator and contact you know, a higher up.
PSSS, just so we are all clear on how easy it is to actually find comments which violate the rules I took a screenshot while reading on my phone after I got the ban for being wrongly accused. Yes it's a rape joke, no it is not by me and it's by another user.
I was reading chapter 8 of
when the following happened in the chapter:

As you can see, the Male MC grabbed the Female MCs tits (sexual assault), then in the following:

Female MC says fine, while blushing... I don't know about you folks but if she didn't like it I am sure there are various other options this could have gone, instead she just lets it go (we as the readers know she likes the Male MC from her previous discussion with her sister in a previous chapter if you need more proof for whatever reason)
After reading a comment under the chapter I made the accurate comment that:
it's not sexual assault if the girl likes it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I think a day or so passed after I made that comment, then all the sudden I see a mention in my inbox, apparently someone got butt-hurt at my comment and reported me (which is what I hoped happened) or Zephyrus was just doing his usual harassment towards me looking for shit to get me banned for (which by the way I have never given him any).
I see the following comment under the chapter:
If you had bothered to read the rules, you'd know that rape jokes are not acceptable on MD. More specifically, it's a violation of 5.1.4. I have warned you multiple times for your behavior in the past. Enjoy your one month vacation from commenting.
Now, if you are a well educated person, you would know that RAPE and SEXUAL ASSAULT are not the same.
Sexual Assault: Refers to any sexual, physical, verbal, or visual act that forces a person to engage in sexual contact against their will or without their affirmative consent.
Rape: Refers to forced sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal, or oral penetration through physical force, such as being restrained or drugged, or threats to escalate violence
Did I say anywhere on my comment, a rape joke? absolutely not.
So, here I was sending PMs to other mods and even the site owners explaining, and requesting for something to be done since there was absolutely zero validation for my month old ban. After some time I found ixlone on the IRC chat and had a nice discussion with him. I explained to him everything and then he brings up the following:
Other Terminology: This category includes everything else that does not neatly fit under the above categories. It includes, but is not limited to, rape jokes, homophobia, transphobia, and direct personal attacks.
"it includes, but is not limited to" I would have given it to him, but Zeph already made it very CLEAR on why he "banned me":
from Zeph
If you had bothered to read the rules, you'd know that rape jokes are not acceptable on MD. More specifically, it's a violation of 5.1.4
He banned me for a rape joke, which is included in 5.1.4, that is the reason for my punishment, something which I DID NOT DO.
I went and joined discord to see if I could do something about it, I made the funny remark that Zephyrus does not know the difference between sexual assault and rape, and Zeph had no hesitation on permanently muting me from discord as well.
Just so you know, when you have a dispute of the actions that moderators take against you, they specifically tell you to take it to other mods or higher ups (They have told me this in the past).
He said not to bring up the ban on public in discord, fine I will talk about other things with my fellow friends...
But, appearantly zeph didn't like the fact that I had joined the IRC chat and had a talk with ixlone about how ridiculous this month ban was. I am 200% certain I can find you actual rape jokes all over MangaDex which have not received one single fucking punishment. You can see yourself, he was pretty mad.

So what, you expect me let you walk all over me when you tell me I did something which I did not fucking do? fuck no.
What's really interesting is that many folks saw me on discord that day and kept asking Zeph why he muted me, and then they proceeded to DM me asking me what happened... and as soon as I told them the facts they 100% agreed with me, and even challenged zeph in discord about it... but he did not want none of that shit.
I even had a nice talk with another moderator, apparently more chilled than Zeph I never had a problem with Lymus...

So, you have the facts, we all know there has been much worse shit said in these comments than my own... I proved I did not do what I was told I did and I still had the punishment for it. I am not the only member of this community that has had problems with Zephyrus, if you look through the forums I am sure you will find plenty of other folks that had terrible fucking interactions with zeph. When you are a moderator, you have an obligation to remain absolutely 100% neutral with all of your community, you have a guideline (rules) which you uphold everyones standards by. Zephyrus is not shy of mentioning how much he despises me, of how much he fucking hates my guts, of how fucking biased he is when it comes to me. The moment you let your emotions control you even though you are proven to be wrong and you do nothing about it you lose all credibility.
He could have just said my bad dude I didn't know the difference, but he did nothing. The reason this is fucked up is because there has been numerous occasions where I'd see some mention notifications of people personally fucking harassing me, attacking me, and the mod(s) do nothing about it when I report them... talk about double fucking standards, and I am sure if you're racist, sexist, whatever the fuck against me zeph would just let it slip since it involves me.
I don't really see the higher ups doing anything about it, and I don't see zeph growing up anytime soon so until I get an apology or something happens so I am immune to zephs personal vendetta against me I have decided to avoid this community (doesn't include the friends I have made over the time I have spent here, just continue to contact me as usual).
I am so sorry, I am so sorry that people get offended when I throw the sacrilegious word beta around. If I see a fucking beta character I will fucking call it out dude, beta here beta there fucking betas dude. If I want fictional characters to fuck in a fucking romance, ecchi, whatever the fuck genre I will fucking say it. WHEN THEY FUCKING? If it upsets you when I ask when they are having sexual relationship I am so sorry, but I will fucking call it out. When you are being a fucking weasel I will call your shit out, done.
imagine being in the streets and constantly having to look over your shoulders, It has been fucking exhausting trying to have a good time on this site having a moderation constantly on your fucking ass all ALL. THE. TIME. I am over it.
Thank you to those of you who had a nice time with me, thank you for sharing your favorites and in return enjoying my favorites. Thank you for understanding that when I call out a beta character or ask when they fuccing it's all for the funs and games and it's not to be taking so fucking serious dude.
For those of you who got offended, every single time you saw me and my "when they fuccing?" or "beta this beta that" and automatically assumed I was some sort of fucking idiot and decided to block me... Thank you for mentioning my name and still talk shit about me even though you have "blocked" me. You blocked me and then still use my name to personally harass me... it never worked, I just laughed at your shallowness and reported you... though I am sure nothing was done to you.
To those who I had actual fucking discussions, fucking love you guys. 10/10 hit me up again on discord or PMs.
I will most likely not engage with MangaDex community anymore until something is done so until then peace.
PS, to all the people that congratulated me on my 10,000th profile view thank you!
PSS, yes if you are wondering I am still muted in discord for doing exactly what you are supposed to do when you have a problem with a moderator and contact you know, a higher up.
PSSS, just so we are all clear on how easy it is to actually find comments which violate the rules I took a screenshot while reading on my phone after I got the ban for being wrongly accused. Yes it's a rape joke, no it is not by me and it's by another user.
